Malta Independent

Moviment Graffitti calls for increase in the minimum wage


Moviment Graffitti is strongly in favour of the EU proposal for a directive on an adequate minimum wage; a proposal that has long been advocated for by European trade unions.

While the proposal is a good start, Moviment Graffitti thinks that the directive should go even further and ensure that minimum wages are equal to a living wage in each Member State.

The Maltese Government’s reaction in urging for this directive to become only a recommenda­tion is alarming, the NGO said.

The European Commission’s impact assessment on the adequacy of minimum wages has shown that Malta’s minimum wage is strikingly low. This notwithsta­nding the fact that Malta has repeatedly boasted of its impressive economic growth. The directive states that for a minimum wage to be adequate, it should at least be 50% of the country’s average wage and 60% of the country’s median wage, the NGO said.

“In Malta, these figures stand at only 38% and 44% respective­ly. Compared to the rest of Europe, Malta has the 4th worst rating when it comes to the minimum wage as a percentage of its median wage”, they said.

The Maltese Government itself has admitted that the minimum wage is not at a suitable level by providing a Covid emergency wage supplement of €800, an amount higher than the minimum wage. This effectivel­y means that, even in an emergency, people cannot live with less than €800. However, the Government then expects people, regularly working 40 hours a week, to live with less than that amount in normal circumstan­ces, they noted.

Moviment Graffitti believes that the Government should, at least, raise the minimum wage up to the adequacy level mentioned in the directive.

“This will not only boost the economy with much-needed spending, but will also increase the pay for thousands of workers who earn slightly higher than the minimum wage.”

Moviment Graffitti said that it still believes that the minimum wage should be equal to the living wage as every worker deserves to live a decent life no matter what work they do.

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