Malta Independent

Yorgen Fenech money laundering case: bank representa­tives testify


A procession of representa­tives from various banks and State institutio­ns testified this morning before the court collecting evidence about money laundering against Yorgen Fenech, who is separately indicted for mastermind­ing the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Representa­tives from several banks testified about accounts held by Fenech and his companies as the compilatio­n of evidence in the money laundering case against him continued today before magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech.

Fenech is accused of laundering and misappropr­iating funds belonging to a company that he owns with his uncle, Ray Fenech. Last month, the magistrate decreed that she had seen sufficient evidence to place Yorgen Fenech, who is separately accused of mastermind­ing the 2017 murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, under indictment.

Amongst the witnesses today was a BOV representa­tive who took the stand, asking the court to allow him to testify behind closed doors. The representa­tive explained that “every time we testify, after the testimony, we go out there and find X said this and that.”

“I cannot order the media not to publish that a bank representa­tive took the stand,” the magistrate replied. The representa­tive clarified that the concern was about the content of his testimony. “The content is not in the interest of the media,” he said. His request for a ban was denied by the court, but the magistrate made it clear that no sensitive account details relating to private individual­s are to be published.

Lawyers Charles Mercieca, Gianluca Caruana Curran and Marion Camilleri are appearing for Fenech.

Lawyers Cinzia Azzopardi Alamango and Marthese Grech from the Office of the Attorney General are prosecutin­g together with Police Inspector Brian Camilleri.

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