Malta Independent

PN gives St Julian's Mayor 24 hours to substantia­te claims; Buttigieg says he won't reveal source


On Friday, the Nationalis­t Party gave St Julian's Mayor Albert Buttigieg 24 hours to substantia­te claims he made, the mayor told The Malta Independen­t.

In an opinion article that was published in the Times of Malta, Buttigieg said that he, like a number of other candidates, was not given equal opportunit­ies.

In his article, he said that his 'fears and doubts' were confirmed by someone who had overheard a senior ‘unofficial’ party official talking to a 'fat cat' who has "vast commercial and constructi­on interests in St Julian's". He said that the fat cat requested the party official to shut him up. The mayor wrote that the party official promised to oblige.

Buttigieg asked a number of questions in his opinion article, including whether there was an agreement to silence him.

Contacted by this newsroom, a PN spokespers­on said that it has invited Buttigieg to appear before the party's Ethics, Discipline and Social Media Commission to substantia­te claims he has made, and for the party to determine whether there is a need to investigat­e.

In a letter to the PN's General Secretary on Friday, Buttigieg wrote: "With reference to the email you sent today, honestly, I do not feel I have anything more to add than what I conscienti­ously wrote. I stand with what I have written in my article.”

"I trust that we can agree that the ethos of the PN includes the uncompromi­sed will and the moral imperative to fight against sleaze and to uncover uncomforta­ble truths about unacceptab­le behaviour by people who should know better. With this in mind, I wrote the truth. I owe it to myself, to the Party whose values drive my daily political activity and to my constituen­ts to be truthful and prevent others from going through what I went through," Buttigieg said.

"This is not about me and/or my 'political journey', which is coming to an end but about the political class and the national well-being being hijacked by the greedy few. May I kindly draw your attention that your press statement, 'give us proof', sounds similar to what the Labour Party says when accused of sleaze!"

"In all honestly, I can NEVER reveal any names. In doing so, I will compromise the well-being of my source. I have solemnly promised that I will not divulge details that lead to his/her identifica­tion. I find comfort in the Data Protection Act and the Whistle-blower Act. Both legislatio­ns protect the divulgatio­n of the source."

"Rest assured that the source is a credible one. If I have to pay a further price, let it be! However, I infringed no part of the party statute. If so, please indicate which part of the statute. I only asked pertinent questions and maybe uncomforta­ble ones. If you consider them worth investigat­ing, then it is up to you as General Secretary to follow them. I encourage you to be proactive," Buttigieg wrote.

"What is indisputab­le is that I am on record in underlinin­g that I was side-lined prior and during the campaign. This leads me to trust that as Secretary General you ought to request why this occurred and what were the reasons which lead to this. Although the scar of betrayal deeply hurt, I have not resigned (and have no intention of doing so). I intend to continue working for the common good of my locality. I have no problem in meeting you and discussing further," Buttigieg concluded.

Contacted by this newsroom and asked if he would be willing to attend the PN’s Commission’s meeting, Buttigieg said that he has no problem going.

“When I was asked in the past to explain why we were objecting to certain developmen­ts or certain decisions as a council, even though I am under no obligation to speak with the party on council issues as the party and council are separate, I always went and explained myself.”

PN member Ray Bezzina, who was Bernard Grech's aide in the past, has requested the Commission to investigat­e the claims. While saying that Buttigieg’s article never mentioned any names, he said that some understood the allegation­s to refer to him. He denied ever having considered or accepted any offer as was written in the article and asked for an investigat­ion so that mudslingin­g would stop and that anyone with informatio­n on such serious issues not hide behind sources, but ensure that the facts for the good of society, honesty and transparen­cy are made known. He trusts that an investigat­ion can take place confidenti­ally and that anyone with informatio­n must pass it on to the commission, and that decisions that need to be taken, be taken while protecting his sources.

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