Malta Independent

Endless wait for court hearings on domestic violence cases, National Council of Women says


The National Council of Women insisted today that the government should act decisively in order to change a system that at present sees domestic violence victims waiting for months, or even years, to have their cases heard in court.

“Let us not keep talking and issuing press releases, action today will save a life tomorrow”. the NCW said, condemning any violence, be it physical, psychologi­cal or verbal.

The NCW’s statement was issued after 40-year-old Bernice Cassar was killed on Tuesday morning. Her husband is the main suspect in the case.

The NCW expressed its concern that despite a femicide law, reports at Police Stations, protests, and talks, violence still pe rsists while society continuous­ly fails these women.

“Not only has her right as a human being been abused through constant violence, both physical and psychologi­cal, but her life was taken away by the father of her children”, the NCW said.

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