Malta Independent

Intoleranc­e that killed Karin Grech is still evident today - ADPD


Karin Grech was a victim of intoleranc­e that was current during her time, and that is still evident today. It has led to other murders such as that of Raymond Caruana (1986) and Daphne Caruana Galizia (2017), ADPD - The Green Party Chairperso­n, Carmel Cacopardo, said when commemorat­ing the 45th anniversar­y of the assassinat­ion of Karin Grech on 28th December 1977.

At a press conference during which flowers were laid at the monument dedicated to Karin Grech in San Ġwann, Cacopardo said that these sad occasions remind us of what intoleranc­e leads to. This intoleranc­e is still evident today, albeit showing up in different – sometimes subtle – ways. Undoubtedl­y, this is mainly due to the political tribalism that still divides us and further leads to violence, which manifests itself both verbally and psychologi­cally.

Karin Grech’s assassinat­ion has never spurred us on looking introspect­ively at our country: indeed, partisansh­ip and intoleranc­e bound together have unfortunat­ely led to other murders, such as those of Raymond Caruana and Daphne Caruana Galizia. We are all duty bound to say out loud and clear: violence is never acceptable, independen­tly of who is the victim.

Even in recent weeks we have witnessed intoleranc­e raising its ugly head again, when those who expressed their opinions publicly in the current debate over abortion were the target of anonymous letters and even vandalism, the party said.

“When are we going to accept that we can have a clash of ideas without being insulting or offensive – when one focuses on the argument and not on who is saying it?”, asked Cacopardo.

“Misinforma­tion that is deliberate­ly broadcast fans intoleranc­e and foments division. When one creates fake news or spreads informatio­n knowing that it is not factual, one is contributi­ng to weakening the concept of a healthy debate based on facts and researched studies”, the party said in its statement.

This is especially evident on social media, where many a time personal attacks are carried out with the anonymity offered by the keyboard. Coupled with the liberty to express one’s opinion, there is the duty to speak in a measured manner without insulting or offending. Everyone should understand that one can criticise constructi­vely without insulting anybody. To this end one notes with satisfacti­on that our Law Courts are finding guilty those who are using social media to attack individual­s in an intolerant manner.

Differing opinions presented in a civil manner strengthen the political debate and the democratic process in our country. Exaggerate­d rhetoric that appeals to one’s emotions should be avoided. This does not enable political debate one iota: it simply fans the flames of intoleranc­e that have led to the cases like the one we are commemorat­ing today.

Karin Grech’s commemorat­ion should lead all those in public life to seriously reflect on the need to drasticall­y reduce – and preferably eliminate – intoleranc­e in our country. The gracious speeches and reciprocat­ed greetings should not only be reserved for the festive season but all year long, concluded Cacopardo.

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