The Malta Business Weekly

Enhancing the economic competitiv­eness of Malta

Opening Remarks by Frank V. Farrugia, President of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry on occasion of a Council Meeting with the Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet


Today’s meeting is hopefully the first of many fruitful discussion­s on matters of national and economic importance throughout this thirteenth legislatur­e.

I have already had the opportunit­y to meet and discuss with you, urgent matters concerning business while most of the numerous sectoral formations within the Chamber have already met with many of the new elements in your government. We appreciate their proactive approach towards government built on the underlying and mutual ‘pro-business’ principle that has driven the country’s positive economic results in recent years.

We feel that on many fronts, we share common ideas and priorities such as the importance of upgrading the island’s infrastruc­ture, the simplifica­tion of bureaucrat­ic practices, continued fiscal consolidat­ion, the preservati­on of the country’s reputation, resolving the issues that plague our national airline, and dealing with the acute skill shortages in our labour market. In a nutshell, enhancing the economic competitiv­eness of our nation and our businesses.

Today’s Agenda, in fact, is primarily intended to draw due attention to issues of high and urgent importance in terms of our country’s competitiv­eness.

These include issues related to regional aid, banking, the continued abuse in free movement of goods, excise duties and investment in Research, Developmen­t, Technology and Innovation.

Other sectoral issues of signifi- cant importance include loading and unloading difficulti­es faced by delivery vehicles, the forthcomin­g POYC reform, the establishm­ent of a Medicines Verificati­on organisati­on, as well as visas for workers, tourists and language students.

In terms of the European agenda, we intend to discuss the effects of Brexit on our economy, the European Commission’s proposals for a directive on Work Life Balance for Parents and Carers and the ongoing debate on the Future of the European Union.

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