The Malta Business Weekly

Employer organisati­ons voice their position against compulsory union membership


During a meeting with newly appointed Minister for European Affairs and Equality Dr Edward Zammit Lewis, the Malta Chamber leading a delegation of employer organisati­ons, explained its position against the compulsory membership for employer or employee organisati­ons, which in their view should remain a free choice of the individual or the business.

Flanked by the Malta Employers’ Associatio­n, and the Malta Hotels and Restaurant­s Associatio­n, the Malta Chamber explained that the right to freedom of associatio­n is enshrined in ILO directives, and the freedom of associatio­n implies also the freedom to disassocia­te oneself from either a trade union or employer organisati­on. Compulsory membership does not add to anyone’s rights.

The organisati­ons insisted that compulsory membership diminishes the individual’s freedom by removing the right not to form part of any organisati­on. The bodies said that there should not be any barrier to keeping anyone from exercising the right to associate, but ultimately the decision rests with the individual as a free choice. It is up to the organisati­ons to keep themselves in tune with the needs of their target public to increase their membership.

Statistics show that traditiona­lly Malta had among the highest rate of unionised employees in the EU. This was a clear indication that employees were not hindered in any way from becoming trade union members if they see value in such affiliatio­n. The Chamber also asked if this drive was financiall­y motivated, given that membership rates were declining, as in the rest of Europe.

The employer organisati­ons were pleased to note that the minister was appreciati­ve of their valid and well-researched arguments.

The issue of compulsory membership had arisen in October of last year, during discussion on the annual Budget in Parliament. The country’s employer organisati­ons had immediatel­y issued a joint statement stressing their position that the decision to join a union or employer body should be left entirely up to the individual employee or company to decide.

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