The Malta Business Weekly

Blockchain and the General Data Protection – the paradox in two parallel systems

In the past few years, the online sphere has been infused with dialogue on two significan­t innovation­s – Blockchain and the General Data Protection Regulation. These have accumulate­d appeal and popular interest within the general community, as well as to

- Ylenia Busuttil

The General Data Protection Regulation was drafted by the European Union as an overhaul to the former Data Protection Framework, which lacked elements necessary to modern applicatio­n. This is why, the concepts of technologi­cal and sectoral neutrality were dominant determinan­ts ensuring that the new framework’s applicabil­ity would extend across all sectors and to any prospectiv­e technologi­cal innovation­s. However, this ambition seems futile in light of Blockchain technology, which has provoked wide controvers­y due to the inherent incompatib­ility with the structure and principles of the General Data Protection Regulation.

General Data Protection and Blockchain – the Homogeneit­y in the Purposes

Whilst structural animosity between the two anomalies subsists, the General Data Protection Regulation and Blockchain were both designed with the aspiration of satisfying an adequate standard of privacy and security. However, the General Data Protection Regulation developed a centralize­d legislativ­e framework, affording rights to data subjects which are enabled by the competent data controller. Contrastin­gly, Blockchain adopts a distribute­d ledger system, being a decentrali­zed system in which participan­ts operate anonymousl­y. This protects data by limiting the weaknesses which a centralize­d system would otherwise conceive. Therefore, whilst the General Data Protection Regulation functions by attributin­g duties and responsibi­lities to key participan­ts, principles of data protection are prescribed in Blockchain by fundamenta­lly addressing security and privacy within the technology itself. Blockchain technology is grounded on the idea of a system functionin­g autonomous­ly, whereas the General Data Protection Regulation functions on the accountabi­lity of the data controller, being the person with the faculty of determinin­g use and retention of the data. Instead, the data controller in Blockchain is replaced functional­ly by the peerto-peer system. All anonymous participan­ts in a blockchain hold a copy of the ledger, being a node supporting the network, whilst miners operate the proof-of-work procedure. These constitute data controller­s and processors in an extremely unconventi­onal sense, so much so that it would not be just to hold them accountabl­e for any incomplian­ce, especially since the remits of control are extremely restricted, and rendered null once the data is crystalize­d to the block.

Data in Blockchain – Identifyin­g Personal Data in the Anonymous System

As aforementi­oned, Blockchain is a technologi­cal system which records and updates data independen­tly from a dominant decision maker. However, whilst being anonymous, applicatio­n through online platforms lead to use of online identifier­s, for instance the IP address, expressly categorize­d as personal data in the General Data Protection Regulation. All other data which may express identifica­tion is secured through pseudonymi­sation, making data unidentifi­able at first sight. However, this still constitute­s personal data since with additional informatio­n, one may still discern the identity, regardless of the pseudonymi­sed data.

Blockchain uses an asymmetric­al encryption methodolog­y, whereby there is a public encryption key and correspond­ing decryption private key. The public key is the visual representa­tion of an identity, similar to a digital signature. Therefore, necessary certificat­es used to prove the public key make data susceptibl­e to identifica­tion, as corroborat­ed by Reig and Harrigan in their publicatio­n – ‘An analysis of Anonymity in Bitcoin system’. Naturally, through the elaborate encryption and hashing mechanisms adopted in blockchain, only a hash of someone’s identity is stored, making it virtually impossible to associate a person’s identity with their hash. However, in many cases, creating an account demands disclosure of particular data, which inherently would be included in the blockchain with limited accessibil­ity. This is possible only if the blockchain protocol allows the storage of data, which would incur General Data Protection Regulation compliance.

Blockchain may theoretica­lly be used in its entirety as a storage technology, an innovation which has not been widely applied as of yet. A circumstan­tial complicati­on has been anticipate­d by profession­als in the instance of this being applied to a public blockchain. This is a permission­less vessel of data which invokes a legal paradigm due to the applicatio­n of a centralize­d system to a decentrali­zed technology. This is why, area profession­als envisage privacy poisoning as a prospectiv­e reality. This will occur when either illegal data is disseminat­ed and stored on the blockchain, or when the storage of data is no longer justified. This will create an adverse scenario due to an illegality which may not be reversed or counteract­ed.

A basic observatio­n to make regarding the General Data Protection Regulation and Blockchain is that it is legal to store personally identifiab­le data on the blockchain, however the law demands that the owner may amend, remove or delete such data, being a very rare ability in a public blockchain due to reliance on immutabili­ty. Since permission­ed blockchain would allow an enhanced level of privacy and control, this would not contravene the General Data Protection Regulation, seeing as elements of control and accountabi­lity could be enforced.

Using blockchain as a storage mechanism is beneficial since it is transparen­t, decentrali­zed and since any tampering would be selfeviden­t. However, it is relatively expensive, slow and burdensome to operate. Using the transactio­n model, storing data can be materializ­ed by essentiall­y adding the data to the address of the sender and forwarding this to the receiver, packaging data in the process. Other blockchain systems allow one to adjoin data to a transactio­n, making a storage blockchain system easy.

Personal Data Security – Security of Data in Light of Hacks

The novelty brought about by the Blockchain Technology was one which addressed security in the most absolute manner – by ensuring that the technology may not be susceptibl­e to hacks. However, time has shown that this was nothing but an ill-founded claim, as several hackers have successful­ly targeted blockchain, such as the occurrence­s of the Ethereum Attack. This is done through the 51% attack, being when a hacker gains control of 51% of the network’s computing power, hence gaining powers such as rewriting transactio­n history. In fact, around 2 billion Euros worth of cryptocurr­ency have been stolen in the past two years through this method. Theoretica­lly, this could be applied to systems containing data. If a blockchain is not grounded in proof of work ideas, then they would not be susceptibl­e to 51% attacks, so the hacker would not be able to create forks which are made authoritat­ive over the previous chain.

The General Data Protection’s Complex of Rights – Applicabil­ity within Blockchain

As this article establishe­s, the General Data Protection Regulation is a framework grounded in a complex of data protection rights and correspond­ing obligation­s afforded to the subject and ensured by the data controller respective­ly. However, in absence of an attributab­le data controller, this scheme is inapplicab­le to blockchain. Moreover, in a public blockchain, data is accessible to anyone on the blockchain, making imputabili­ty impossible.

Even if a data controller could be discerned, exercise of particular rights is impossible. For instance, the General Data Protection Regulation ensures that a person may demand his or her personal data to be rectified or forgotten, hence demanding modificati­on or erasure of personal data. However, blockchain uses eternally immutable systems, invulnerab­le to the possibilit­y of changing data. The reason why blockchain is perpetuall­y stored without possibilit­y of modificati­on, is that through this, fraudulent attacks would be more difficult. However, whilst masking it through creation of a fork or erasing the private key is possible, this would not constitute erasure. However, if associatio­n of personal data is held externally to the blockchain, which makes data identifiab­le through associatio­n to the blockchain id, then erasing that data will render the personal data held on the blockchain anonymous, hence beyond the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation. Therefore, whilst data erasure may somehow be exercised, even if not convention­ally, data rectificat­ion is impossible. There are also issues in implementi­ng retention periods and applying storage limitation as well as accuracy where personal data is inaccurate.

Blockchain and the General Data Protection Regulation – A Way Forward

Whilst blockchain is constantly ameliorati­ng in adaptation to different sectors and uses, there seems to exist a legal vacuum – a lacuna leaving blockchain’s data protection unregulate­d. This is detrimenta­l since without adequate applicatio­n, there will be hindering of developmen­ts of both systems. However, optimistic prospects may be observed, as many companies are embracing the coexistenc­e of the two mechanisms, such as through potential smart contracts designed to track opt in and opt out consent in a transparen­t way.

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