The Malta Business Weekly

Chinese edition of ‘Behavioura­l technical analysis’ by Paul V. Azzopardi


The Chinese edition of Behavioura­l technical analysis by Paul V. Azzopardi has just been published in Taiwan with a new foreword by the author for this edition. The book was translated into complex traditiona­l Chinese by the Taiwanese publisher and is available for worldwide distributi­on.

The English version of the book was first published in 2010 by Harriman House of the UK, a specialist finance publisher. Subsequent­ly, a special English edition of the book was published in India by an Indian publisher.

The book, which is available for sale on Amazon and other leading bookseller­s, is meant for readers who are new to investment as well as the experience­d traders who thus far based investment decisions solely on fundamenta­l and technical analysis and want to add a behavioura­l dimension to their decision-making.

In his foreword to the Chinese edition Azzopardi writes: “As it happened, during the nearly 10 years since the book’s first publicatio­n in Great Britain by Harriman House, the book’s title has become a frequently used term in investment analysis and in other book titles to describe the fusion and mutual pollinatio­n of the exciting new discoverie­s in behavioura­l finance and the longstandi­ng interpreta­tion of price and volume charts in technical analysis.”

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