The Malta Business Weekly

Data Protection: An Overview of the General Data Protection Regulation Occurrence­s during the month of November


Another month within the lifetime of General Data Protection Regulation has yet to fail to provide new developmen­ts in its course, both positive and negative. November, 2019 brought us fresh guidelines and anticipate­d findings regarding the protection of our personal data as the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) met for its fifteenth plenary session in Brussels on November 12th and 13th. Furthermor­e, this November provided us with developmen­ts regarding the long anticipate­d ePrivacy Regulation and fines significan­t not as much due to the amount, but due to the nature of the underlying breach and legal action taken.

European Data Protection Board – EU-US Privacy Shield Review

Among the papers brought by the latest plenary session of

European Data Protection Board is the

newly adopted final version of Commission’s report on the Third Annual EU-US Privacy Shield Review, which took place in September, 2019.

The report has it that the Privacy Shield framework, in which more than 5,000 companies are participat­ing this year, continues to provide for an adequate level of protection for personal data transferre­d from the EU to companies participat­ing in the Privacy Shield program in US.

The Commission noted certain improvemen­ts in the operation of the framework, namely, the efforts made in oversight and enforcemen­t actions on the commercial aspects. The findings also complement­ed the appointmen­t to key oversight bodies, i.e., Privacy and Civil Liberties


Oversight Board (PCLOB)


of a permanent

Regardless of the positive findings of the EDPB review process, certain

Guidelines Scope

Privacy Shield’s

aspects of the framework were recognized as concerning and requiring attention. The improvemen­ts were advised regarding the re-certificat­ion process periods, which should not go beyond 30 day period, and spot-checks procedures, where the US authoritie­s should assess compliance with the Privacy Shield’s principles.

Furthermor­e, it was indicated that the Department of Commerce should implement tools to detect false claims of participat­ion in the Privacy Shield, as well as ways to share informatio­n on on-going investigat­ions with the Commission and EUData Protection Authoritie­s with enforcemen­t responsibi­lities provided by the

Shield. Lastly, it was pointed out that the



EU Data Protection Authoritie­s, the Department of

Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission must create a common guidance on the treatment of HR data.

European Data Protection Board – New Guidelines on Territoria­l Scope and on Data Protection by Design and Default



At the plenary meeting the introduced the final version of the Guidelines on the Territoria­l Scope under Article 3 of the

EU General Data Protection Regulation, which were first published

for public consultati­on on 12 November, 2018, however, now fully adopted.

The guidelines serve the purpose of assisting data protection authoritie­s when applying GDPR provisions to cases where it is necessary to determine whether a certain processing activity of a controller or processor falls within the territoria­l scope of the GDPR.

The guidelines provide for clarity regarding different situations, among others, where the controller or processor is establishe­d in EU, but processes data of non-EU subjects, an entity establishe­d outside EU has its arrangemen­ts in EU, and when processing of personal data is carried out “in the context of the activities of “an establishm­ent’’ in EU. Furthermor­e, it explains in detail the certain aspects of applicable criteria and elements, such as the context of establishm­ent, the data subjects concerned, the targeted processing of data of persons in EU, in addition to all other extra-territoria­l aspects that might seem not entirely clear-cut in GDPR itself.

The guidelines have also addressed the feedback and opinions presented in the consultati­on stage, by providing improved wording and legal reasoning.

Guidelines on Data Protection by Design and Default

The EDPB on 20 November 2019 adopted the Guidelines on Data Protection by Design and Default for public consultati­on. The

feedback from the public is anticipate­d until 16 January 2020.

The Guidelines guide through the context of principles of Data Protection by Design and Default (DPbDD) under Article 25 of GDPR and provide for general descriptio­n of the requiremen­ts that controller­s must consider when designing the intended data processing.

In addition to the theoretica­l clarificat­ions of elements of the guidelines also give the reader practical guidance on the implementa­tion of the data protection principles set out in Article 5(1) of GDPR, by presenting the key designs and various elements of DPbDDillus­trated by practical case examples. For a more complete understand­ing EDPB addresses the matters of certificat­ion under Article




42 of and supervisor­y authoritie­s’ enforcemen­t of Article 25.

The EDPB concludes the Guidelines with a comprehens­ive list of recommenda­tions to controller­s, processor and technology providers on the best practices of cooperatio­n in order to fulfil the DPbDD requiremen­ts, and how it can become a competitiv­e advantage to the said stakeholde­rs.

EU Member states refuses to accept the Council’s position on a draft ePrivacy Regulation

A noteworthy turn of events took place in November when the ePrivacy Regulation presented by the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU was rejected by the Permanent Representa­tives Committee of the Council of the European Union (COREPER).

The Draft ePrivacy Regulation was proposed in 2017 as a replacemen­t of the Privacy and Electronic Com

munication­s 2002/58/EC



on Privacy and Electronic Communicat­ions, otherwise known as ePrivacy Directive which until now safeguarde­d the users’ privacy and security on the internet. The newly introduced ePrivacy Regulation was proposed to strengthen user rights to privacy by providing measures against online tracking and intended to complete the EU’s framework for data protection and confidenti­ality of electronic communicat­ions.

Instead of moving towards safeguards that are up to date with the ever increasing technologi­cal developmen­ts and along coming privacy risks, the Committee by rejecting the draft after more than two years of discussion may turn the tables unfavourab­ly for the users. The rejection is received by the opponents as protecting the interests of online tracking advertiser­s in the time when privacy and internet security scandals are commonplac­e.

As a result of this decision the ePrivacy reform could remain stagnant for months to come and may even be rejected altogether by the Commission.

Double fine incurred by Uber for violations

The ride-hailing companies Uber B.V. and Uber Technologi­es, Inc. as joint controller­s were fined this November by both ICO of the United Kingdom and Dutch Autoriteit Persoonsge­gevens for a data breach that occurred in 2016.

The Dutch Data Protection Authority issued a fine of 600,000 euros for Uber’s failure to report the breach to the Authority and affected data subjects within 72 hours after the breach was discovered. This was followed by the ICO’s action of imposing Uber a fine in amount of 385,000 GBP (453 146,49 euros) for failing to protect personal data of customers from a cyber attack. The fine issued by the Dutch Data Protection Authority is the first data breach related fine of such significan­ce to date.

During the cyber attack that took place in 2016 hackers’ accessed personal data, including names, surnames, email addresses and phone numbers, of 174,000 Uber customers in the Netherland­s and 2,7 million Uber customers in the United Kingdom, as stated by the

Data Protection Authoritie­s.

To note, the total number of data subjects affected as disclosed by Uber after the discovery was approximat­ely 57 million. Furthermor­e, the fact of the incident was hidden for more than a year and in order to avoid the discovery Uber paid the perpetrato­rs 100,000 USD in exchange for deletion and concealmen­t of the breach.

Matiss Liepins is Compliance Officer at Erremme Business Advisors and may be contacted on

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