The Malta Business Weekly

A new Collective Agreement for Id-Dar tal-Providenza employees


A new collective agreement has been signed between Id-Dar tal-Providenza and the General Workers’ Union. The agreement, covering the period 20202023, provides for better working conditions for all employees including family-friendly measures as well as a new structure for grades and progressio­ns for all grades. There is also an improvemen­t in salaries as well as various other conditions.

The agreement was signed by Fr Martin Micallef, director of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and Riccarda Darmanin, secretary of the Profession­als, Finance and Services section of the Union. It was also signed by Nadine Camilleri Cassano, administra­tor of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Paul Micallef, assistant secretary of the Section and Frans Micallef, shop steward. Present for the signing was Michael Pace Ross, Administra­tive secretary of the Archdioces­e of Malta.

The agreement was explained to and approved by the workers of Id-Dar tal-Providenza during a meeting that was held a few days earlier. The agreement was also approved by the Diocesan Finance Committee chaired by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna.

After the signing of the Collective Agreement, Fr Martin thanked all those involved in the negotiatio­ns leading up to the signing of the third Collective Agreement, which were carried out in an atmosphere of mutual respect and a desire to continue improving on the working conditions of Id-Dar talProvide­nza employees. He said that the will to increase employees’ wages does not only reflect a sense of justice but also an appreciati­on for the commitment and great dedication of the Home’s workers.

Darmanin, on behalf of the Profession­als, Finance and Services section of the GWU, expressed her satisfacti­on at the way the negotiatio­ns took place in which good will was shown by all parties concerned which led to a satisfacto­ry conclusion for all.

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