The Malta Business Weekly

‘The President’s role ought to be reformed to be allocated more executive powers, through a Constituti­onal reform’

Malta Chamber presents good governance document to President


“In the office of the President, the Malta Chamber sees an opportunit­y that could be instrument­al in bringing about the needed equilibriu­m for the country. For this reason, in our document Ethical business calls for change – A manifesto for good governance, we argue that the President’s role ought to be reformed to be allocated more executive powers, through a Constituti­onal reform,” said Perit David Xuereb, president of the Malta Chamber, during a meeting with the President last week.

Perit Xuereb was leading a delegation from the Malta Chamber to meet with the

President of Malta, to present him with the document which contains more than 60 concrete recommenda­tions aimed at cleaning Malta’s reputation.

The same document also argues in favour of starting a proper discussion at national level, with the contributi­on of stakeholde­rs from all sections of Maltese society on the values that make us Maltese – this initiative needs to form part of the constituti­onal reform and should be spearheade­d by the President of the Republic.

President Vella welcomed the Chamber’s proactive approach and invited the Chamber to submit the document to the Constituti­on reform website.

Ethical business calls for change – a manifesto for good governance is the result of a decision taken by the Chamber’s Council in December 2019, in response to legitimate concerns raised on the state of good governance in Malta.

It is the work of a multidisci­plinary working group made up of a number of expert contributo­rs, tasked with researchin­g and formulatin­g a policy document on good governance and best ethical standards and practices for the country.

The document means to serve as valuable guidance for government, in its efforts to tackle, at the earliest, the necessary reforms.

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