The Malta Business Weekly

Chamber: Dialogue remains key but action is urgent


The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry has continued to push for active dialogue with a view to strike an agreement on workable solutions for businesses and their employees in the current uncertain circumstan­ces characteri­sed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the related economic repercussi­ons.

Together with the other employer organisati­ons, the Malta Chamber on Friday evening participat­ed in a cordial meeting with the prime minister, in a bid to keep an open conversati­on about the assistance required by businesses at this very challengin­g time.

“An open channel of dialogue is certainly the way forward,” said president David Xuereb. “As a Chamber, and together with our fellow social partners, we shall continue to explain the hardships that are currently being experience­d by our businesses as well as their employees and push for adequate support that will not only assist them to weather the storm, but more importantl­y ensure they are in a fighting shape to grow once the worst is over.”

In its reaction to a poorly-received support stimulus launched by government on Wednesday night, the Malta Chamber said that employees would be the biggest losers if support was not increased.

The Malta Chamber is committed to continue working with its members, Malta’s major employers, as well as with the other employer bodies and the workers’ unions, in a concerted effort to pull through this difficult time, successful­ly.

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