The Malta Business Weekly

MIM shifts to virtual learning during this time


The Malta Institute of Management, a non-profit making profession­al body for managers and people aspiring to work in management, has taken measures to deal with the current situation.

Days ago, MIM set up lecture rooms at a one-metre distance between one student and another. Furthermor­e, MIM shifted all the taught lectures to virtual online steaming on a profession­al platform, allowing lecturers to resume teaching, while ensuring the highest health precaution­s for both the students and the lecturers.

MIM is aware that as days pass by, more people will be staying at home for their own safety. A spokespers­on said this might be the right opportunit­y for training, re-training and not missing on CPE hours – learning activities that enable Malta Institute of Accountant­s members/warrant holders to perform competentl­y within their profession­al environmen­t. MIM is already working on organising additional online sessions on ranging topics, including Management and Leadership.

The Malta Academy for Taxation Studies, an academy launched last October, concurrent­ly is working on providing online sessions on tax provisions as well as recent tax treatment changes on cohabitati­on and marital status.

The spokespers­on said that in spite of the current situation, the Institute strives to maintain its top standard delivery of courses, educationa­l programmes and training. MIM will keep on increasing its activity by exploring new market needs, in a virtual manner and is set to offer more, at this particular time, at special rates.

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