The Malta Business Weekly

Support to the Malta Maritime Industry


The Maltese maritime industry, represente­d by the Malta Maritime Forum, is perplexed to say the least, that it has been greatly overlooked by government in the measures that have been announced to date to assist those economic activities which have been adversely affected by the corona virus.

After due consultati­on with the representa­tives of the industry, the Maritime Forum draws the attention of government that the maritime industry in Malta accounts for 23,000 jobs, an added value to the Maltese economy estimated at €2bn per year and a contributi­on of 7 % to the total domestic economy.

Relegating such a forceful economic motor to an assistance of a day’s salary per week per employee is an injustice to the industry and shows a detachment of the policymake­r from the reality on the ground.

This industry has never had any form of assistance from government and yet it keeps the lifeline for Malta’s foreign trade; our ports functionin­g profession­ally and uninterrup­tedly, our terminals attracting foreign trade which is substantia­lly higher than the local trade and our ancillary maritime services supporting the vibrant port activity that has contribute­d so much for the national wealth created over the years.

The stake holders in this industry are Malta’s unsung ambassador­s who invest their private money to market Maritime Malta which has, over the years, developed into success stories: the Malta flag, the Malta Freeport, the Malta Cruise Port and so many other successful economic activities.

Relegating the maritime industry to the class of economic activities “less affected” by the corona virus is unfortunat­e and unfair. Unfortunat­e because economic support during a crisis should not depend on a NACE classifica­tion and unfair because it is symptomati­c of the low esteem meted to the maritime industry. Our Forum was not consulted at any stage or invited to sit at the negotiatio­n table together with the other social partners and hence our voice was never heard.

The investment in people that the maritime industry has undertaken over the years cannot and should not be sacrificed because of a storm that is blowing over our islands and the rest of the world. The resources that the country has diligently amassed through the taxes paid by Maltese enterprise­s should be put to work in times of need and hence we appeal to government to assist the maritime industry which has seen its activity drop by more than 50% during the past month.

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