The Malta Business Weekly

GUG’s annual general meeting


The Gozo University Group held its annual general meeting on 16 August via a zoom meeting. Due to the current rise in COVID-19 cases, this year it was best to hold this meeting online.

During the meeting, together with the election of the new executive team, new amendments to the current statute were put forward. This year’s AGM was chaired by Rachel Galea, in which the previous Executive team gave a summary of their respective roles and gave an account of the events carried out throughout the year.

Unfortunat­ely, owing to the situation which we have found ourselves in, certain events had to be cancelled. However, with this being said, the events which had taken place till March were still successful, with the most outstandin­g one being the GUG Annual Christmas Ball.

Rénee Formosa, former president, emphasised on the importance of teamwork and unity; two important assets which will help in our mission to further help Gozitan tertiary students. Formosa’s time as president has come to an end; however, taking her place is Mark Farrugia who has worked closely with her for the past years. Mark has taken on this role with great determinat­ion, aiming at leading GUG with a strong impulse.

The statute was amended through a unanimous vote among the present voters which led to the AGM’s change of date between 31 March and 1 May.

Formosa, Charlene Scerri and Elaine Haber were appointed positions on the Vigilance Board. Since no other candidates were contesting for these positions within the executive, no elections were needed.

The GUG’s new executive is made of the following members: Mark Farrugia as president, Samuel Buttigieg as vice-president, Nicole Debrincat as general secretary, Oleg Grech as Informatio­n secretary, Chris Mercieca as Events officer, Elisa Cordina as Education officer, Monique Camilleri as Public Relations officer, Danica Sultana as Social Policy officer, Rebecca Grech as Social Media officer, Estelle Scicluna as Financial officer, Christine Sultana as Marketing officer, Yanica Ċini as Internatio­nal officer and Owen Teuma as MCAST representa­tive.

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