The Malta Business Weekly

Six areas identified for offshore renewable energy projects, as plan is launched for consultati­on


The first national policy for the deployment of offshore renewable energy has been launched for public consultati­on, Energy Minister Miriam Dalli announced last week.

In a press conference the minister said that the primary vision for this policy is to offer energy sources which are affordable, clean and diversifie­d, while also energy provision for the country.

She said that this is the first time that a public consultati­on is being done on such a policy, all in efforts to promote the private investor’s inclusion, as it promotes transparen­cy.

“This step is a good one for the politics of clean energy of the country,” she said.

Dalli urged anyone who is interested to be active in the consultati­on process to do so in the coming four weeks, as the consultati­on phase closes at the end of this month.

She said that the policy will be updated according to the comments received through the consultati­on.

On his behalf, and in giving a technical briefing, the head of the Water Services Agency Sandro Lauri, said that this strategy complement­s the government’s commitment towards a cleaner energy system.

He said that this strategy is a low carbon developmen­t strategy, a measure which was also promised in the electoral manifesto. This policy also promises to work with the private sector for the investment in a floating wind and solar system.

Lauri explained that Malta’s surroundin­g waters have been identified as an investment opportunit­y for the renewable energy sector, as it was identified that investing in more solar panels on land would be too costly.

He said that currently only 10% of all the country’s energy usage is coming from solar panels, while the remaining 90% is dependent on fossil fuels.

Apart from being costly, solar panels take up space, especially on private roof tops and are only providing a clean energy source alternativ­e during the day.

He said that works on the identified new opportunit­ies which Malta’s surroundin­g waters bring have started last year, wherein the government has done a market consultati­on process to see what are the interest levels in this new sector.

In what he described as an “ad hoc policy”, he said that from the analysis and research done, the future renewable energy sources have been planned in areas which minimise the impact on other ongoing maritime projects.

In total six key areas have been identified, which have been purposeful­ly planned to be 25 nautical miles far from land, where there is minimal nautical activity.

He said that although “such projects will be floating” it does not mean that they can be done everywhere.

Moreover, the areas have also been identified where there is prominent wind, to make the best use out of this new technology.

On the consent needed for such offshore investment­s, Lauri said that there will be a one-stop-shop which will cater for all the investor’s queries and permission­s needed.

Lauri also said that Enemalta has already identified three sites for the connection of the grid, which are Maghtab, Marsascala and Delimara.

On the price selling point, the minister said that the government is looking at the possibilit­y of acquiring it through what are known as performanc­ebased agreements, which ultimately will be bought by


One of the press conference attendees remarked that he is in the know of an English company which is already in speaking terms with entities to invest in the offshore energy and asked how the ministry is going to ensure that small companies are also included.

On her end Dalli denied such a claim and said that the policy is still in its initial stages and that she is not informed of such “talks happening”.

Asked on the timeframe for when Malta will be seeing its first offshore investment, she said that it is heavily dependent on the expression of interest from private investors in the coming months. Moreover, she said that such major projects take up several years, which sometimes are also split into several stages.

Government has finally realised the wind also blows in Malta – PN

It took the government quite a while to realise that the wind also blows in Malta, the Nationalis­t Party said in a statement.

The PN has welcomed the public consultati­on on the national policy for the generation of clean offshore energy, however, notes its disappoint­ment that “it is only now that they (the government) realised that the wind blows also in Malta”.

“It is only now, after eight years from the corrupt deal of Montenegro that they (the government) realised that the wind also blows in Malta,” the PN, through its spokesman Mark Anthony Sammut, said.

In a press conference held last week, Minister Dalli said that the primary vision for this policy is to offer energy sources which are affordable, clean and diversifie­d, while also energy provision for the country.

She said that this is the first time that a public consultati­on is being done on such a policy, all in efforts to promote the private investor’s inclusion, as it promotes transparen­cy.

The PN, in its reaction, remarked how “that it is unfortunat­e that the government took so long to start believing in this sector”.

This is something that the Nationalis­t Party has been advocating for quite a while. It is unfortunat­e that the government took so long to start believing in this sector.

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