The Malta Independent on Sunday

A continent under the control of tyrants

- Jos Edmond Zarb Birkirkara

Amid the cries of alarm from Joseph Muscat, Matteo Renzi and other European politician­s over the deaths of so many African migrants in the Mediterran­ean, African leaders appear to be far from acknowledg­ing their share of the responsibi­lity.

While the West bears some form of responsibi­lity for these tragic deaths, African leaders, on their part, are standing by – in deafening silence – in front of this unpreceden­ted spectacle, which is proof of their absolute failure!

It is their citizens who are drowning in their hundreds, along with Syrians and Afghan people. But, amazingly, there has been barely an anguished word from the continent’s Excellenci­es, except for Senegal’s president who offered a salute to the memory of the victims!

It is an implicit acknowledg­e- ment that, for the overwhelmi­ng majority in these countries, life is so miserable that their leaders are not shocked that thousands would rather risk death at sea than stay in their country.

Poverty and low levels of job creation are the two main reasons why there is such an exodus of illegal migrants. In Senegal, for example, only one in five Senegalese works full time – and almost half of the population remains below the poverty line!

As long as this continent remains under the control of tyrants – an immovable septuagena­rian, a mad dictator or a General – the number of refugees from these war-stricken countries is bound to escalate further.

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