The Malta Independent on Sunday

The harbinger

- Anthony Zarb Dimech Birkirkara

In a world where the ‘feel good factor’ and pleasing one’s senses has become the norm, many times at the expense of breaking the moral laws of God, it is widely expected that sooner or later the same God we defy will draw our attention to this reality.

When a country legislates laws that run counter to heavenly laws such as those that undermine the nature of marriage as God intended it to be, abortion, euthanasia, the hidden hand of God speaks out as it did in America on Ground Zero on 9/11. On the same spot in Lower Manhattan, where the first ever presidenti­al words were spoken!

America’s first President George Washington and the newly elected Congress gathered together and Washington took the first presidenti­al oath of office in 1789. He placed his hand on the Bible and declared, “The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself hath ordained.”

A prophetic warning was issued when he spoke these words that are coming true in our days. When a country abandons God there is a removal of his blessings.

After issuing this prophetic warning, Washington and the nation’s first Congress walked on foot for the first act of the first fully formed government. It was not to create a law or pass a bill. It was to pray, to consecrate the nation to God. This was America’s consecrati­on ground. It took place in the nation’s capital, which that day was not Washington D.C. It was New York City and precisely the prayer of dedication of America to God on that first day took place in what is now known as Ground Zero.

In the environs around Ground Zero, all the buildings were ruined or destroyed except one, and it was called the miracle of 9/11. That building was the little stone chapel where America was dedicated to God on the first day and that was why the building was protected. How was this building protected? It was a sycamore tree that absorbed the full force of 9/11.

This sycamore tree saved the place where America was dedicated to God. And the message is that the point of the harbinger is not to condemn a country to judgment. It is to wake the country from judgment. God would not want you if not to save you. And the other message is that the voice of God is calling, ‘Return’.

Similarly, in the year 586 BC, the prophet Jeremiah was given the commission of warning the kingdom of Judah of God’s impending judgment against them for their idolatry and disobedien­ce to His Laws. These warnings went unheeded and as Israel turned away from God and went after other gods (money, materialis­m and gain), the armies of Babylon overran the land and Jerusalem was destroyed and the people were taken into captivity. All the nation’s blessings were affected (sustenance, prosperity and especially financial and economic stability). In modern times, countries are being affected by economic stagnation, people out of work, recession and stock market crashes. Further informatio­n on the Harbinger can be found in the books of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, the best-selling Christian novelist and Messianic Jew. http://www.theharbing­erjonathan­

May these lessons, drawn from the biblical and American experience that are divine warnings, act as a wake-up call for our nation, its leaders and citizens to learn from the mistakes of other countries. May the leaders of this country on the opening of Malta’s new parliament (on Monday coming), sincerely re-dedicate this country to the Almighty and always promise to observe the laws of the Heavenly Father.

As Malta and Europe continue to reel from the human tragedy that is unfolding in front of our eyes with the loss of human life in the Mediterran­ean trying to reach European shores, may we be reminded of the mercy God is bestowing on us.

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