The Malta Independent on Sunday

And now for something completely

- Chris Said

and, if not, would you like to and for what cause?

I was very active in local youth groups, organising various activities such as hikes and song festivals and we used to do regular voluntary work as well. One memory I still cherish is when we spent a few days in Sicily helping disadvanta­ged children. I would also love to spend a few weeks doing voluntary work in a Third World country.

What is the favourite place you have visited outside Malta, and why?

To date my favourite is New York, in that it is so different to the European cities I have visited and the vibe and variety in the city itself are so impressive.

Where would you like to visit but have not yet had the opportunit­y to do so and why?

I’ve always wanted to visit Brazil but haven’t had occasion to yet: the country has fascinated me since I was young.

What was the most boring gift you have ever received?

The person who gave it to me might be reading this and I wouldn’t want to be rude.

Do you know how to cook?

I am no Jamie Oliver, but I do help out in the kitchen every now and then.

What is your favourite dish?

Something typically Maltese, like braġoli or octopus.

Do you play any instrument­s?

No, I don’t, although I did learn to play the guitar when I was young.

Describe a typical relaxing day

It would probably start with a long breakfast at home with Linda and the children and then, depending on the season, either a walk or a swim. Watching a good movie in the evening or having friends over for dinner would wrap it up very nicely.

Do you prefer tea or coffee?


Do you prefer to wear shorts, trousers or jeans?

It depends on where I am, but shorts are always very comfortabl­e.

You prefer summer or winter?


Choose a female MP you would ask to have dinner with you

Maria Deguara – she has plenty of experience to share and as a new MP I can share some of my own.

...and a beer with whom - living or dead?

Ian Rush

Cheesecake­s: do you prefer ricotta or pizelli?


What is your favourite film or TV series?

Life is Beautiful

With whom would you prefer to be stranded on a desert island?

Someone who’s brilliant at building boats.

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