The Malta Independent on Sunday

Constantly with the people

Policies and proposals affecting Gozo have always been made in constant and regular dialogue with Gozitans since Labour came to power in March 2013, and a very clear majority of Gozitans confirmed this undeniable truth at the polls last June.

- Justyne Caruana

Dr Caruana is Minister for Gozo

Aresponsib­le government, that listens to people’s ideas and expectatio­ns, cannot but adopt the necessary measures, not merely adding to a wish-list, but delivering what people actually need and deserve. Our election manifestos are proof enough that we listen to the concerns of Gozitans. We have proudly done so precisely because we have been constantly out among our fellow Gozitans – and definitely not above them. I have continued doing this as Minister for Gozo when meeting the widest range possible of Gozitan organisati­ons and constitute­d bodies, while constantly touching base with people when necessary projects and being planned and implemente­d.

Dialogue leads to success

No one who is used to monologues can give us lessons on how we should talk to people, since listening to and relating with the electorate has distinguis­hed consecutiv­e Labour government­s over the years. Keeping our promises and implementi­ng our proposals has been our hallmark. Truth is the real content of our discourse, with a sense of unity and mutual understand­ing, leaving rhetoric to others who are void of concrete and feasible proposals.

Only sincere and meaningful dialogue can lead to a good relationsh­ip between a government and its people who will, in turn, benefit from the nation’s achievemen­ts. Celebratin­g the anniversar­y of Malta’s independen­ce this week was, in fact, a remembranc­e of one of our nation’s political feats, achieved through unity and a solid sense of duty. Such national commemorat­ions should encourage us to move forward together as a nation, aiming at further highs in our achievemen­ts.

More positive results

This year, the public feast was celebrated amidst more good news regarding the country’s economy. The latest statistics show that, by 2016, the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion had fallen from 99,000 to 85,000. This means that, during our first four years in office, we have wiped off almost the whole increase in this section of our society accumulate­d during the last PN government (2008-2013).

Another positive result was in the average household income, which increased by 5.7 per cent in just two years. It actually rose by 0.7 per cent, compared with a year earlier, and by 5.7 per cent compared with 2014. This remarkable improvemen­t in disposable family income further confirms the right direction a pro-business government is taking to reach out to the average citizen’s financial wellbeing. Since 2013, Labour has adopted bold measures that have seen our economy grow both nationally and individual­ly and this encourages us to strive further and create more opportunit­ies to enable everyone to stand on their own feet.

Social justice mover prime

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat himself explained the country’s growth during his speech at the UN General Assembly this week. “Malta has fewer people at risk of poverty, following a drive by our government to distribute fairly the proceeds from sustained growth. This is an achievemen­t which is as dear to us as our record-setting economic growth and minimal unemployme­nt levels. This is exactly what we work for, our raison d’être, which we describe as ‘prosperity with a purpose’.”

Dr Muscat declared that “there can be no peace while extreme poverty exists”. This is a finer and closer definition of social justice which Labour government­s have always practiced. It

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