The Malta Independent on Sunday

‘Coalition of confusion’ confirmed


Just three months ago, the famous or infamous blogger, depending on which side of the fence one sits – Daphne Caruana Galizia – was hailed as the PN’s hero during PN mass-meetings. Today, for many of those same PN Delia supporters who had hailed her as a hero, Daphne has become a hated villain !

The reason which has convinced them that she is a villain and not a hero has been her unrelentin­g and vicious attack on Dr Adrian Delia . This supposed “race between friends” has turned out to be “a race between harsh antagonist­s, to put it mildly. But when Daphne entered into the fray, the race became one between the PN establishm­ent against the ‘Johnny-come-lately’ candidate Adrian Delia.

The result of the first round of the PN leadership race had resulted in Adrian Delia polling the highest number of councillor­s’ votes, but not the majority of votes. On 16 September, Adrian Delia won the PN members’ vote by a narrower margin than expected. Up to the time of writing this letter, he has definitely not won the vote of the PN’s par- liamentary group. This ultra-conservati­ve novice-politician (crossing himself before starting a speech) has been likened to a “throwback to the PN of the 1980s”, as well as “an autocratic and ruthless man”. He was also likened to a serial liar by the PN’s famous blogger herself ! Indeed, hearing Dr Delia’s speeches – which were even more hysterical than certain speeches of Beppe Fenech Adami – to his supporters at the B’Kara PN club on September 1, calling Labourites “our enemies” (the second time he had used this term in three days) and gesticulat­ing like a mad man, does not bode well for the PN. Indeed, what we are seeing are Dr Delia’s frantic and desperate efforts to finally obtain a parliament­ary seat, which confirms that the task ahead is even harder than the one Simon Busuttil had to face.

I simply cannot imagine how Adrian Delia could ever manage to unite the whole PN parliament­ary group behind him when he has defied the official party leadership. Eddy Privitera

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