The Malta Independent on Sunday

Golden Anniversar­y for Archbishop’s Minor Seminary alumni


Those students celebratin­g their last day of school and the end of their 5-year term at the Archbishop’s Minor Seminary in that far away May of 1968 never imagined that they would once again meet up to celebrate the 50th anniversar­y of that day.

This special event was held on 8 May at the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana, which then had-hosted the Minor and Major Seminaries.

44 ex-students and a few ex-teachers had the opportunit­y to meet together once again, several of whom after 50 years.

A Mass was celebrated at the St Calcedoniu­s Chapel. Mons. Victor Grech, who was the Rector of the Seminary at that time, was the main celebrant. Assisting him were Mons. Lawrence Gatt, the then Master of Discipline, and seven other priests of whom 3 ex-teachers and 4 ex-students. An inevitably touching moment was that when a prayer was said in memory of 10 ex-students and ex-teachers who have since passed away. In his homily, Mons. Grech shared a few thoughts particular­ly fitting the occasion.

A reception was then held in the colonnaded courtyard, during which everyone had the opportunit­y to mix, chat and reminisce about his schooltime days. This courtyard had a spe- cial significan­ce to all present since it is the place where practicall­y the five school years were spent, being as it is, surrounded by what were then the classrooms.

At the end of the event the signs of joy and satisfacti­on were evident on the faces of all present. 50 years had passed but for sure every moment of this unique occasion served as a rewarding throwback. It managed to rekindle in the ex-students the gratitude and appreciati­on for the way the Minor Seminary had shaped their characters. A contributi­on by all those present was donated to the Archbishop’s Charity Fund.

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