The Malta Independent on Sunday

Temperance and intemperan­ce

The Catholic Church (and Protestant churches) is going through a tough patch at the moment due to the lack of sexual temperance exhibited 40 or 50 years ago.

- Michael Asciak

To be sure, these sexual issues occur everywhere in civil society but obviously one does not expect them in the Church due to a higher moral code in these circles, but they are there for all to see. To be fair I am not so surprised for several reasons. The Church is made up of human beings and human beings often make mistakes even of the moral order, that is they commit sin therefore the Church is made up of sinners. This issue will not destroy the Church, as it has been through much worse in its long history and is led by Christ himself but it presents an opportunit­y for recollecti­on and renewal. That human beings committed to celibacy sin with respect to lack of sexual temperance is an issue hardly greater than those lay people who are committed to chastity, married people that is, who often sin too, and we all know there is much of that going round.

Many heterosexu­als, homosexual­s and all the degrees in between may have their own issues with continence to one degree or another. If an immoral relationsh­ip has occurred between consenting adults, its gravity depends on the circumstan­ces and the degree to which one hurts other people. However if the immoral relationsh­ip occurs between non-consenting adults or with children, then the gravity of the situation does not stop with the individual­s concerned but also involves the authoritie­s, and this is where often there is also a failure. An immoral sexual relationsh­ip between adult partners one of whom is non-consenting becomes an issue for civil or church authoritie­s. However, these are often not easy to prove because they have taken place between adults of the legal age of consent and the issue of consent here is not always easy to prove or disprove especially when many years have passed and the motives are not clear to discern on either side.

Adult sexual predators may opt to groom young individual­s from an early age and then present themselves in a sexual manner to the unsuspecti­ng when the age of consent and adulthood sets in especially in institutio­nal settings. In this case, non-consenting adults, often still sexually and mentally innocent, are very confused by a long-time trusted adult figure suddenly abusing their relationsh­ip now that they have attained the age of consent. Leaders of institutio­nal settings for young adults, like seminaries, police, army, colleges, universiti­es, hospitals, prisons, residentia­l schools, and all youth organisati­ons, have to be careful to protect such individual­s and should be given effective training in how to recognize and immediatel­y deal with these cases.

With children, it is a very different issue. Usually, paedophili­a occurs between an adult and either pre-pubertal or early post-pubertal children. In late post-pubertal/early adulthood, a sexual relation is not considered paedophili­a any more but is another type of abuse similar to adult abuse but often involving grooming which as I explained already is another danger to beware of. Paedophili­a has nothing to do with homosexual­ity at all. The dynamics are different often being in the mind of the adult abuser who still sees himself/herself as a child due to his or her developmen­tal issues or the lack of them. Normal adults usually develop a natural aversion to having sexual intercours­e with children, not so paedophile­s. Because of their upbringing and/or possibly because of epigenetic override, paedophile­s do not develop this aversion. They see themselves as the same mental age of the children they abuse. Paedophile­s have to be kept away from children, because their lack of temperance results in hurting innocent young children. The fact that often they were not, is a failure of the authoritie­s whether ecclesiast­ical or civil. The paedophili­a scandal in the Church is not so much just the failure of the paedophile but also, rather, the failure of the authoritie­s, the bishops in this case, to set their moral priorities right and protect the children involved. Shifting paedophile­s from one place to another, as seems to have been the accepted praxis at the time, simply shifts the problem

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