The Malta Independent on Sunday

Venezuelan showdown moves to UN as duelling presidents dig in


Venezuela’s political showdown moved to the United Nations Saturday where a Security Council meeting called by the United States pit backers of President Nicolas Maduro against the Trump administra­tion and supporters of the country’s self-declared interim leader Juan Guaido.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressed the meeting ahead of Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza and other council members, which include supporters of both dueling presidents.

The session focusing on Venezuela’s crisis comes a day after Guaido vowed to remain on the streets until his country has a transition­al government, while Maduro dug in and accused his opponents of orchestrat­ing a coup.

“They can cut a flower, but they will never keep spring from coming,” Guaido told supporters Friday, alluding to a similar phrase from the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.

In rival press conference­s, Guaido urged his followers to stage another mass protest next week, while Maduro pushed his call for dialogue. Each man appeared ready to defend his claim to the presidency no matter the cost, with Guaido telling supporters that if he is arrested they should “stay the course” and peacefully protest

But the standoff could set the scene for more violence and has plunged troubled Venezuela into a new chapter of political turmoil that rights groups say has already left more than two dozen dead as thou- sands take to the street demanding Maduro step down.

Guaido’s talk with reporters in a plaza in Caracas turned into a de facto rally as thousands gathered after hearing he would speak in public for the first time since taking a symbolic oath Wednesday proclaimin­g himself the nation’s constituti­onal leader on grounds that Maduro’s re-election last year was fraudulent.

The government of President Donald Trump announced it was recognizin­g the 35-year-old leader of the opposition-controlled National Assembly quickly after his oath, leading Maduro to say that he was breaking all diplomatic ties with the United States.

The leaders of France, Spain and Germany turned up the pressure on Maduro Saturday, saying they too would recognize Guaido unless Venezuela calls new presidenti­al elections within eight days.

Guaido’s move is the most direct challenge to Maduro’s rule despite years of protests at home and internatio­nal efforts to isolate the regime amid a growing humanitari­an crisis fueled by falling oil prices and government mismanagem­ent.

Maduro is accusing the opposition of working with the US to overthrow him. Though over a dozen nations as well as the Inter-American Developmen­t Bank are recognizin­g Guaido as president, Maduro still has the support of the military and powerful, long-time allies like Russia and China and is vowing to defend his socialist rule.

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