The Malta Independent on Sunday

It’s my Party, and I’ll do what I want to

I think it was unfair that the cake was served only to the Cabinet on the day our Prime Minister turned 45. That cake should have been served to the entire Labour parliament­ary group to reflect the real situation: everybody is getting a slice of the cake.

- Mark A. Sammut

Everybody in the parliament­ary group, that is, and this has raised questions on how to keep the government accountabl­e to Parliament. At the same time, it is becoming abundantly clear that nationwide there are sectors that never get their slice of the cake. This has to change. Wealth distributi­on has to be fairer.

Anyway, it was nice to see Cabinet members have their cake and eat it during cabinet time while we, the taxpayers, foot the bill for their salaries... and the cake.

Robert Cutajar, Claudio Grech, and the Hidden Agenda

In the meantime, some people are lobbying behind the scenes so that the law is changed and certain individual­s will never get to have their birthday party, by denying these individual­s birth.

I am very proud of MPs Robert Cutajar and Claudio Grech. They have recently stood up and spoken against what seems to be taking place by stealth: paving the way for the introducti­on of abortion in this country.

I am very proud of them because it is not easy, in these times of ultra-liberalism, to be conservati­ve and to defend conservati­ve values.

I am very proud of them, and of all the other MPs who air the same views, as it takes courage in this day and age to speak in favour of life, love, and duty. Nationalis­t leader Adrian Delia himself has repeatedly insisted that his party will defend life from conception.

The easily beguiled and the easily indoctrina­ted believe it is not true that this Administra­tion is under great pressure to introduce abortion. I can assure them, and anybody else for that matter, that it has been the objective of a certain powerful lobby to introduce abortion in Malta since the beginning of this decade at least. I know this from foreign sources, as I was once asked to translate a document from English to another European language and I found this little piece of informatio­n. When I see how things have developed, and the agenda explained in that document has been carried out (save for abortion), I have to say it again: abortion is really on the government’s (hidden) agenda.

This week we saw the top of a New York skyscraper lit up in pink to celebrate a most hideous law: the availabili­ty of legal abortion up till the moment of birth.

The nonsense behind the agenda

They will use the usual arguments: rape, incest, foetal malformati­on. It is all nonsense. They use the extreme (and rare) cases to open the gates for abortion-on-demand. Look at the history of abortion in England, Scotland, and Wales, and you will see how a procedure that originally had to be rare ended up being hailed by the National Health Service as a success: “One in three women will have an abortion in their lifetime” proclaims (proudly?) the NHS website. Are there so many cases of rape, incest, and foetal malformati­ons in the UK? (The law permitting abortion in Britain enumerates more criteria, which are routinely abused.)

One has to ask oneself: what is exactly the benefit of being able to kill one’s own children virtually at will?

The philosophy behind the legal availabili­ty of abortion is partly based on a Malthusian (mis)understand­ing of the world – namely, that there are not enough resources for an ever-increasing population and therefore the population has to be culled. Mothers are allowed to carry out this culling, (in Adam-Smith fashion) in the combined name of individual self-interest and the common good.

One finds a simplified form of this philosophy in a book called Sister Apple, Sister Pig by Mary Walling Blackburn. A father is explaining to his son that there once was his sister in his mommy’s belly, but then she became a ghost. The son replies, “I’m not sad that my sister is a ghost! If you kept my sister, you would be tired, and sad, and mad!” When his father questioned why, the son continued: “Because we would be wild and loud and sometimes we would fight. Mama might be scared that she could not buy enough food for us. Mama might not have enough time to read to me, to paint with me, to play with me, to talk with me….”

Needless to say, it is crazy that an Administra­tion that wants to increase the country’s population by importing foreign workers, at the same time wants to introduce abortion... a de facto birth-control method.

Crazy until one thinks of another philosophi­cal explanatio­n behind the drive to introduce abortion. A country that invites a temporary workforce to fill temporary vacancies has to offer the means for those workers to be able to cut any ties if they happen to make them. Foreign workers who do not want to settle down permanentl­y in Malta because their jobs are temporary, cannot be expected to live a life of celibacy. Unexpected or unwanted pregnancie­s will obviously result, and it is more convenient, in transnatio­nal circumstan­ces, to “terminate the pregnancy” rather than spend a whole life of legal and emotional complicati­ons.

There is therefore a philosophi­cal reason based on economic considerat­ions: increasing the GDP by increasing (temporaril­y) the population requires means to keep the foreign element free to leave as painlessly as possible when demand for work subsides. The emphasis is on “temporaril­y” – once the economy starts to cool down, foreign workers will leave in droves... and unfettered by cumbersome, transnatio­nal family ties.

The final philosophi­cal expla- nation is that there are some people who want women to have unprotecte­d sex and face no consequenc­es, “like men”. This is such a weird approach that one tends to view it more of a question of psychology than philosophy. Who said that men do not have feelings toward their children? It is obviously a rhetorical question, and those who know the ways of the world know the answer as well as the contours and meanders of the mentality that denies the role of fathers in their children’s lives.

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