The Malta Independent on Sunday

From firsts to historic results

The increasing­ly evident well-being across both islands, and an economy that grows from strength to strength, year after year, belie all the half-truths that some are so vehemently obsessed with disseminat­ing wherever they set foot.

- Justyne Caruana

Unemployme­nt rates and economic growth are closely inter-related, since unemployme­nt figures are an important gauge of the economy’s growth rate and never has this principle been so evident in Malta and Gozo than during the past five years.

In December, the number of people registerin­g for work stood at 1,765, a reduction of a stunning 402, or 18.6 per cent, compared to the correspond­ing month in 2017. The number of people registerin­g for work fell compared to December 2017, irrespecti­ve of for how long they had been registerin­g for work. This is the lowest unemployme­nt rate since such statistics have been available in the early 1960s.

With increasing job mobility in various sectors, it is useful to quote a comment by the hardworkin­g head of JobsPlus, Clyde Caruana, who explained that the majority of those unemployed – 1,400 – is what economists call the “frictional­ly unemployed”, namely those who are in-between jobs or on the way to jobs, leaving only 400 who are, pragmatica­lly speaking, not employable for various reasons. This notwithsta­nding, we are committed to aim for securing all possible opportunit­ies for those seeking an independen­t living.

A historic low

It is even more impressive to note that, in March 2013, 7,350 people were unemployed, proving that the current rate is only a quarter of the one inherited by the first Labour Government. It is indeed encouragin­g to note that we currently have 5,685 fewer people seeking a job compared to March 2013.

It is even more heartening to observe that young people feature among the largest number of those who found employment, with around 1,100 fewer on the unemployed list than in March 2013. This too proves that the various measures taken, primarily the youth guarantee that was derided by the Opposition, have brought about an amazing 84 per cent reduction in youth unemployme­nt over the past six years.

The latest statistics also show that of those in the 40+ group, we now have only three unemployed for every 10 as at March 2013. This also indicates the desired results of the many incentives and schemes for those who, for various reasons, had left the labour market to reintegrat­e and access employment opportunit­ies. Free childcare for all was one of the boldest measures that encouraged more women to resume or seek new employment.

Best results

Looking back to my years of service in the disability sector, including the Bills I piloted and the related policies and schemes introduced, it is admirable that the latest statistics show that the number of people with a disability on the unemployme­nt registers has been brought down from 564 in 2013 to 225 last month. Without any doubt, this is a direct effect of enforcemen­t measures for more inclusivit­y and accessibil­ity in the labour market.

Another most welcome indicator is the fact that Gozo has registered the lowest unemployme­nt rate since statistica­l data was first processed over 50 years ago. The latest official figures are undeniable proof that, since taking office, the Labour Government has succeeded in bringing down the number of 742 unemployed Gozitans in 2013 to a minimum 198 as at the end of December 2018. More significan­tly, in just one year – December 2017 to December 2018 – unemployme­nt in Gozo went down by an impressive 42 per cent.

Indeed, the latest figures are clear proof that both Gozo and Malta are moving from a long list of firsts to historic achievemen­ts. In fact, the lowest unemployme­nt rate is a historic triumph for Gozo and goes to show that, given the necessary investment and incentives, Gozitan workers bravely grasp the opportunit­ies offered by the country. It is also clear proof that our island-region is home to resilient people who can perceive and make their own the growth of optimism injected by consecutiv­e Budgets. As Minister for Gozo, while hailing the success achieved so far, I look forward to even better results through the many innovative projects and initiative­s on the Government’s agenda in the years to come.

Celebratin­g Gozo

Statistica­l figures should always be understood as referring to real people, and each and every national or regional success reflects the well-being of everyone in our community. It explains the prosperity with a purpose that both the first Labour Government and the current one, are committed to spread around both islands. Fully aware of this principle, the Gozo Ministry strives incessantl­y to translate success among Gozitan families, not only in the economic and infrastruc­tural sectors, but also by cultural and celebrativ­e events.

In my quest to add further attraction­s that secure Gozo as a distinct, year-round destinatio­n, the Gozo Ministry continues to increase thematic festivals, with the first event this year being organised around the popular St Valentine’s Day. For the second year, throughout the first two weeks of February, Villa Rundle gardens and other popular spots will present a different image, with this year’s chosen theme #inħobbok (I love you) showcased in the various events in the programme.

Among other highlights, this year we are introducin­g a oneoff, drive-in movie theatre, where families and loved ones can watch films from the comfort of their cars on Saturday, 9 February. The films featured are classics in the love-theme universe, perfect for the Valentine’s Day mood of the week. Another popular event is a grand music concert, featuring Ivan Grech and other Gozitan artists, that will be held in Independen­ce Square on the following Saturday, 16 February.

These popular thematic holidays are achieving the desired results, with statistics showing that an increasing number of people are choosing to spend their quality time in Gozo. It is another way to create further economic activity throughout the year and the results are there for everyone to see!

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