The Malta Independent on Sunday

The culture change needed in the constructi­on industry



other major weakness is that anyone can work as a contractor on a constructi­on site, without the need for certificat­ion. This means that the developer and the project architect are not guaranteed that the contractor will carry out the work according to best practice and in line with the instructio­ns of the perit. An incompeten­t contractor is much more likely to commit errors that will affect the security of third party property.

Second, the 2019 amendments do not take a holistic approach. They try to address one particular issue (safety to third party property) without considerin­g a wide range of other issues. Legislatio­n should be part of an overall process that brings about a culture change. The measures taken by the government focused exclusivel­y on legal changes without considerin­g other important aspects of the process including enforcemen­t, communicat­ion with stakeholde­rs, the training of people and contractor registrati­on. The legal changes were a one-off, kneejerk reaction dealing with one piece of the jigsaw puzzle while completely ignoring the whole picture.

Third, last month’s legislativ­e changes had a very short time frame imposed, which meant that no meaningful consultati­on with stakeholde­rs was possible. Any changes to legislatio­n, even minor ones, will have implicatio­ns on many stakeholde­rs. Often, the implicatio­ns (or ‘sideeffect­s’) may be difficult to foresee. The legislatio­n enacted between 2007 and 2013 involved extensive consultati­ons with developers, architects, contractor­s and insurers within the forum of the Building Industry Consultati­ve Council and also in other fora. Various drafts were put forward for discussion before the final drafts were agreed upon and approved. Evidently this did not happen in the 2019 amendments.

Fourth, the 2019 amendments disrupts the responsibi­lities of the perit and the contractor as set out in the Civil Code. With these amendments, the architect can request an exemption from certain provisions of the law but to do so he is required to sign a declaratio­n that the work will not affect third party property. The signing of any non-technical declaratio­n by the architect effectivel­y changes the responsibi­lities for the site and places on the shoulders of the architect liabilitie­s that were not envisaged in the Civil Code.

Fifth, in the 2019 amendments, there are legal clauses, and also forms, that are poorly drafted, making them difficult to understand and interpret. Precise legal wording is essential to avoid ambiguitie­s and different interpreta­tions. Precise wording is also needed to ensure that what is specified in the law is technicall­y relevant and a true reflection of the dynamics that happen on the ground.

Sixth, there is confusion in the legislator­s’ minds on what the constructi­on site responsibi­lities should be. For example, one of the forms (I hope it has been changed by now) implies that the project architect is responsibl­e for the health and safety of the constructi­on site workers. This is ridiculous. Health and safety is another field of work that falls under the responsibi­lity of the contractor, or his project manager. Another area of confusion in the legislator­s’ minds is between building regulation­s and planning law. The 2016 Planning and Developmen­t Act includes provisions on building regulation­s duplicatin­g and changing sections of the Building Regulation­s Act of 2011. This created untold confusion in peoples’ minds and is a reflection of how poorly the legislator understand­s what building regulation­s are all about.

Seventh, the 2019 amendments impose bureaucrac­y that is totally unnecessar­y for less difficult constructi­on projects. They subject all sites to the same amount of paperwork, irrespecti­ve of the complexity of the project. No two constructi­on sites are the same. The technical complexity of a constructi­on activity can vary from the most simple (such as opening a doorway in a wall) to the most complex, with difficult site rock conditions, significan­t vertical and lateral loads, restrictio­ns on access to site and so on. The 2019 amendment ignores these difference­s and treats all constructi­on activity in a similar way. The ADTP regulation­s of 2013 required the submission of a method statement but it did not specify the informatio­n and level of detail that was required. That was at the discretion of the project architect, depending on the complexity of the constructi­on activity. The BRO could intervene if it felt that the method statement was not technicall­y adequate.

The situation was aptly summed up by the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti on 5 July as follows: “This Legal Notice departs from historical­ly establishe­d lines of responsibi­lities and creates inconsiste­ncies in terms of roles of the primary actors on the site: the perit and the contractor. It is also in conflict with standard forms of contract which are today commonplac­e in the industry. It is also contradict­ory to the basic realities of site management principles that are adopted across the country, particular­ly on medium to large-scale projects. It imposes requiremen­ts on projects which are irrespecti­ve of their size and complexity, …… It has not considered the implicatio­ns on Profession­al Indemnity Insurance provision, nor have its effects on the industry as a whole been properly and closely studied. The Council is also concerned that periti are making declaratio­ns which expose them to potential litigation and attributio­n of tort in case of incidents such as the ones that occurred in recent weeks.”

Suggested way forward

For reasons explained above, the 2019 legal amendments have made the situation more difficult for all stakeholde­rs and it is debatable whether or not the intended objective of greater safety for neighbouri­ng properties has been achieved.

In the 2007-2013 legislatio­n, a holistic approach was adopted. The legislatio­n was one part of a much broader, long -term strategy that sought to bring about a culture change in constructi­on. Based on that experience, my suggestion for the way forward is the following:

The authoritie­s need to take a holistic view of the issues and understand that these cannot be addressed merely by amending the law. Action is also needed to reduce inconvenie­nces from constructi­on sites and not just to improve safety for neighbouri­ng properties.

On the Avoidance of Damage to Third Party Regulation­s, the authoritie­s must stop trying to burden the architects with responsibi­lities that are not theirs and the bureaucrac­y that has been introduced with the 2019 amendments should be significan­tly reduced. The authoritie­s must shoulder their responsibi­lity for enforcemen­t and that includes a significan­t increase in human resources and the appropriat­e training of staff. The enforcemen­t should focus on ensuring that procedures are adhered to (method statement, site manager, insurance, geological studies). Better work practices on constructi­on sites should be encouraged by enforcing all relevant regulation­s, including those on constructi­on site management. Adequately competent persons should also be allowed to be site managers, and not just periti. The process of registrati­on of contractor­s needs to be started in earnest, with appropriat­e criteria and procedures set out in legislatio­n. Different categories of contractor licensing are required, including constructi­on, excavation and demolition.

For a culture change to happen, this has to come from the top. The authoritie­s should devise a long-term strategy on building regulation­s that is not limited to legal changes but that also encompasse­s enforcemen­t, public awareness campaigns, better communicat­ion with stakeholde­rs, the training of constructi­on workers and contractor registrati­on. Such a strategy requires a thinking process that is appropriat­ely informed through consultati­ons with all stakeholde­rs.

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