The Malta Independent on Sunday

Nestlé inaugurate­s packaging research institute, first of its kind in the food industry


Nestlé today officially inaugurate­d the Institute of Packaging Sciences, the first-of-its-kind in the food industry. The new Institute enables Nestlé to accelerate its efforts to bring functional, safe and environmen­tally friendly packaging solutions to the market and to address the global challenge of plastic packaging waste.

Speaking at the inaugurati­on, Mark Schneider, Nestlé CEO, said, “Our vision is a world in which none of our packaging ends up in landfill or as litter. To achieve this we introduce reusable packaging solutions and pioneer environmen­tally friendly packaging materials. Furthermor­e, we support the developmen­t of local recycling infrastruc­ture and deposit schemes to help shape a wastefree world. The Nestlé Institute of Packaging Sciences enables us to create a strong pipeline of sustainabl­e packaging solutions for Nestlé products across businesses and markets.”

The Nestlé Institute of Packaging Sciences focuses on a number of science and technology areas, such as refillable or reusable packaging, simplified packaging materials, recycled packaging materials, high-performanc­e barrier papers as well as bio-based, compostabl­e and biodegrada­ble materials.

Stefan Palzer, Nestlé CTO said, “Reducing plastic waste and mitigating climate change effects through cutting-edge technology and product design are a priority for us. Nestlé experts are co-developing and testing new environmen­tally friendly packaging materials and systems together with our developmen­t centers, suppliers, research institutio­ns and start-ups. Located at our Nestlé Research facilities in Lausanne, Switzerlan­d, the Institute also leverages our existing research capabiliti­es in food safety, analytics and food science.”

Commenting on the inaugurati­on, Sander Defruyt, New Plastics Economy Lead at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, said: “Nestlé was one of the first companies to sign the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, setting concrete targets to eliminate plastic waste and pollution at the source. It is great to see the world’s largest consumer goods company now increasing its research focus and capacity to deliver on these ambitions.”

Nestlé is already making progress towards its 2025 packaging commitment­s, and has launched novel packaging solutions. For example, Nestlé packaging experts and suppliers developed products in recyclable paper packaging such as the Nesquik All Natural cocoa powder and the YES! snack bars in under 12 months.

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