The Malta Independent on Sunday

Sliema residents vent frustratio­n at developers riding roughshod


Residents are concerned that developers could be exploiting an MTA policy allowing hotel to add extra floors in order to add additional floors to flats

Residents vented their frustratio­n at the way developers are being allowed to ride roughshod over residents’ rights in Sliema at a press conference held yesterday morning on Howard Street, Sliema.

Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar coordinato­r Astrid Vella opened by saying that an applicatio­n for an 11-storey hotel should be turned down as it failed to respect the North Harbour Local Plan, which stipulates that hotels are to be restricted to Sliema‘s commercial town centre and are not permitted in residentia­l areas.

The proposed hotel in the narrow Howard Street will cause significan­tly affect residents in terms of disturbanc­e and traffic. Transport Malta itself has expressed serious reservatio­ns about the lack of space provided for suppliers’ trucks, coaches and vans. While the requiremen­t of a 27-car garage is already considered insufficie­nt for an 83-bedroom hotel, plans for the hotel fall far shorter by providing only 15 spaces. Moreover, residents will be deprived of up to 12 parking bays to accommodat­e increased traffic.

Vella pointed out that since the Planning Authority had allowed the demolition of Sliema’s largest hotel, The Fortina, built on a site granted exclusivel­y for touristic purposes, it should not be allowing new hotels in residentia­l areas where they are not allowed. Residents are also concerned that developers could be exploiting an MTA policy allowing hotel to add extra floors in order to add additional floors to flats. This policy stipulates that not only must the developmen­t respect residentia­l amenities, it only applies to “highqualit­y” hotels. Vella questioned whether a hotel could be considered high quality 10 out of 12 bedrooms faced a “shaft”.

Paul Radmilli, of the Sliema Local Council, added that the proposed hotel would be hemmed in by residentia­l buildings on all sides, and that the resultant blank party walls were not permissibl­e under the MTA policy. The architect’s attempt to add fake windows did not make the proposed plans any more acceptable.

He accused the Planning Authority of using a loophole in the Flexibilit­y Policy to grant unacceptab­le permits. “This applicatio­n does not merit such a departure from the local plan, since under the MTA policy for additional hotel floors, the developmen­t must be neighbour-compatible, have no unacceptab­le cumulative adverse impacts on the locality, and be justified from a planning perspectiv­e, Radmilli said, noting that the applicant had not satisfied any of the three provisos.

The speakers concluded by saying that the proposed developmen­t would have a cumulative effect on Sliema’s already congested streets, creating an urban canyon which trapped air pollution, contributi­ng to asthma, heart problems, stroke and cancer. “If this permit is accepted, it will create a precedent for other hotels to be permitted all around Sliema’s residentia­l areas, reducing even further the quality of life in this town.”

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