The Malta Independent on Sunday

Somewhere means everywhere


If corruption is let to flourish knowingly somewhere, then it is being given permission to flower everywhere. This is like when the respect for human life is not shown at certain stages of life like to the unborn and the elderly. The result is erosion of respect to human dignity. A person once said that when man was given the licence to kill during the war, this made human life trivial and expendable.

Now, here in Malta, we reward illegaliti­es. Take the borehole saga: first many riddled Malta illegally and then they were permitted to register the boreholes and continue using them. Recently the Minister Ian Borg said there are 17 illegal functionin­g concrete plants and the PA is considerin­g an amnesty. Is this not a way to encourage corruption?

And consider the mayhem present in our planning laws. They are formulated so that who has clout can continue building unabated. Who is responsibl­e of creating this situation i.e. our two major political parties are responsibl­e and knowingly are letting corruption flourish in planning for their own short term gain and for the loss of Malta.

When will we learn to take care ourselves of our future instead of letting these two wild beasts venture on? Why don’t we use our vote and our voice to introduce the balance of power and negotiatio­n even between elections by strengthen­ing the small parties. It does not mean the small parties are pure. Human nature is the same everywhere. Like our ego. It is always present. But one should work to deflate one’s ego when it is for the good. So in the management of our country. We should go for a situation where every step of the government is negotiated. Power should be used to serve. So the more one powerful is, the more should one be aware of this and the more should one be checked and monitored.

■ Joe Portelli Nadur

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