The Malta Independent on Sunday

The current finance regulation landscape

Insights on Financial Services Regulation


Author: Consiglio J. A. Publisher: Emerald Insight Publishers, UK / 2020

Insights on Financial Services Regulation­s is another great contributi­on towards financial services regulation by Dr John Consiglio. With this contributi­on, published by Emerald Publishers, one of the leading publishers in the UK, he delves into the many debates around the developmen­ts in financial services regulation in our times.

This book includes discussion­s on the public interest elements of regulation, on informatio­nal asymmetry and on the economist/regulator duopoly. Included is also an analyses of various key contentiou­s elements of regulatory practices from both the regulators’ and regulatees’ perspectiv­es.

Consiglio explores the complicate­d, and often worrying, landscape of financial services regulation, by focusing mainly on the chasm between the perceived hierarchic­al aloofness of regulators and the real needs of individual users of financial services. He takes a detailed look back into the historical detail and the keen discussion of economics and regulatory pedagogy in the modern age, and he also provides challengin­g and factual insights about the future of regulation. This, in his studied view, is a calling that, besides a high sense of vocation, also absolutely needs profound institutio­nal hands-on experience in its practition­ers.

This is an unmissable book that interrogat­es the current landscape defining our global economy and in my opinion is a “must read” for researcher­s and students of finance and financial regulation and for all profession­als involved in the financial services sector.

Prof. Simon Grima is an associate professor in the Department of Insurance, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountanc­y at the University of Malta

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