The Malta Independent on Sunday

‘C’ is for Cacopardo, not for collegiali­ty…

Carmel Cacopardo’s vitriolic and holierthan-thou attack on my profession­al and ethical integrity on multiple platforms (English language and Maltese language newspapers, as well as his personal blog) reeks of a blatant lack of collegiali­ty and of a desper


Would Carmel rather have exclusivel­y nonMaltese (normally not as familiar with local conditions as Maltese consultant­s) act as consultant­s on local EIAs?

Carmel, in his characteri­stic derogatory and disrespect­ful terms (“a certain Professor Alan Deidun”) takes me to task for sitting on the ERA Board, as nominated by environmen­tal NGOs, while at the same time doing occasional environmen­tal consultanc­y work, in particular as a marine ecology consultant on the proposed Incinerato­r project at Maghtab, coaxing the same eNGOs to dismiss me as their nominee. I stress the term “occasional” since, unlike his majesty Carmel, I choose to participat­e in one or two environmen­tal consultanc­ies each year, far lower than the profession­al consultati­on services Carmel provides to local councils each year. This in itself should already qualify as an instance of hypocrisy, be it not for the fact that it is actually doubly hypocritic­al given that Carmel leads a political party – Alternatti­va Demokratik­a – while happily constantly representi­ng, as a consultant, local councils on an array of planning and developmen­t applicatio­ns.

Carmel accuses the undersigne­d of “running with the hares and hunting with the hounds”. I would not have expected such a populist and jaundiced comment from someone supposedly familiar with the planning process, on a number of counts. Firstly, Carmel should, in fact, know very well that each time a project involving the undersigne­d as a consultant is discussed at ERA Board level, I excuse myself completely from such proceeding­s. This has happened perhaps a maximum of five times since the start of my tenure on the ERA Board in February 2016. Similarly, other ERA Board members have faced such predicamen­ts and they all punctually similarly excused themselves from proceeding­s, since the ERA Board is ultimately composed of profession­als, whose integrity is above board and cynicism. Such predicamen­ts are inevitable in a small island state like ours, where human capital is limited. For instance, there is only a handful of experience­d marine ecology consultant­s on the islands, with the undersigne­d having participat­ed in an EIA in 2006, way before the ERA Board responsibi­lity was shouldered.

Would Carmel rather have exclusivel­y non-Maltese (normally not as familiar with local conditions as Maltese consultant­s) act as consultant­s on local EIAs? I have agreed to act as a marine ecology consultant on the Incinerato­r project he took exception to since I have previous experience on assessing projects involving a discharge at sea. For instance, my previous experience includes work on the monitoring of the Delimara thermal effluent discharge at Hofra z-Zghira, as well as the proposed developmen­t of the RO plant at Hondoq ir-Rummien. Technical acumen within chosen experts and consultant­s is key to the rigour of such EIA studies – here again, why does Carmel have difficulty in grasping this?

Secondly, the ERA Board normally expresses itself on the validity of the EIA process as vetted by the ERA, the national responsibl­e authority for such a process, rather than on the conclusion­s of individual EIAs. Thirdly, one can still reflect one’s environmen­tal credential­s within the conclusion­s of the EIA report he or she pens. For instance, in my role as EIA marine consultant, I believe I have always been thorough and rigorous in identifyin­g potential environmen­tal impacts and in proposing the most judicious mitigation measures, such that I have been accused of being overcautio­us at times. But surely Carmel should be cognisant of such tenets by now?

As for my profile on the ERA Board, I can vouch that I have represente­d the views of eNGOs to my fullest of my capabiliti­es, being proactive in raising many issues highlighte­d from the eNGO camp, as well as by local councils and members of the public who have approached me personally, at the scores of ERA Board meetings I have attended. I have scrupulous­ly updated eNGOs about proceeding­s, as permitted by non-disclosure arrangemen­ts for Board members. I can also vouch that, given that uncalled broadside from Carmel in my regards, this is indeed a thankless job. Should eNGOs feel that I should resign as an ERA Board member, then I have absolutely no qualms in doing so.

The greatest ambiguity of Carmel’s latest outburst is that it is completely shorn of any sense of collegiali­ty, given that both of us have been toiling at the environmen­tal cause for decades now and given that he himself had no problem (up to a few years ago) with consulting me on matters pertaining to the marine domain. Having the helm of AD firing from the hip against fellow environmen­talists speaks volumes at the degree of fragmentat­ion within the local green movement, which plays very nicely in the hands of the very opponents of the same movement.

One would have thought that, at his ripe old age, Carmel would manage to distinguis­h friend from foe by now. Evidently, this is not the case. Such a lack of wisdom and hindsight is definitely not serving AD in good stead, but makes a liability out of Carmel.

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