The Malta Independent on Sunday

Too little, too late

The hushed-up appointmen­t by government of Chief Justice Emeritus Joseph Azzopardi to investigat­e a single incident that involves the Office of the Attorney General might, at face value, appear to be a good decision in the right direction

- KEVIN AQUILINA Kevin Aquilina is Professor of Law at the Faculty of Laws of the University of Malta.

Yet, so far, the terms of reference of the inquiry have remained shrouded in secrecy and unpublishe­d. Openness in government operation is not much a cherished value by government that denies that the people have a right to know how important government business is transacted. Thus, one has to go by what one reads in the newspapers which is, indeed, not much, to try and establish government’s reaction to the situation at the Office of the Attorney General.

This, undoubtedl­y, is of course a very serious inquiry that strikes at the very heart of the state: the proper flexing of its coercive muscles. Probably it is the first inquiry that investigat­es none other than the Office of the Attorney General. Who would have ever imagined that this would happen? It comes therefore as a shock to the unity of the state, even though, probably, it might have been anticipate­d bearing in mind the writing on the wall that was pointing in this direction.

Nonetheles­s, the inquiry is a piecemeal stop-gap measure, a perfunctor­y inquiry, perhaps to show the public that some sort of action is being taken by government, rather than to actually discover the truth in all its colours and flavours. When unpacked, the impression one gets is that this inquiry will end up to be much of a futile exercise from the perspectiv­e of good governance and will not provide adequate answers to the ongoing recurring maladminis­tration at the Attorney General’s Office. Indeed, the inquiry appears to be doomed right from its inception from the point of view of good governance.

“I am not after witch hunts but only after establishi­ng the truth in the interests of the proper administra­tion of justice so as to ensure that we have a proper and fully functionin­g office of the Attorney General.”

Possibly, the problems at the Office of the Attorney General that are being brought to light in court proceeding­s and in the local press are not ones that can necessaril­y be attributab­le solely to one individual (though, of course, it can be so as one cannot exclude this a priori in the absence of a fully-fledged independen­t judicial inquiry into the workings of the whole Office). This is because the problems appear at face value to be systemic and this is what the terms of reference of the board of inquiry as we know them so far in the press (not through a proper official Department of Informatio­n press release) fail to address.

A systemic inquiry does not exclude that these problems can be individual­ly attributab­le because of: (a) bad leadership of the Attorney General personally; (b) single (or multiple) decisions taken by the Attorney General personally that are completely wrong; or (c) the Attorney General personally being incapable of keeping a proper watch out on her employees to ensure that mistakes are not committed by them on behalf of the Office and, should they have happened, institutin­g appropriat­e disciplina­ry proceeding­s. However, it could also be that the problem is systemic or even both individual and systemic.

By establishi­ng a board of inquiry to address mistakes committed in a singular case will only address the individual case not the systemic inefficien­cies; it is impossible to generalise the inquiry’s conclusion­s to all maladminis­tration at the Office of the Attorney General that can have several causes other than those to be identified in the inquiry’s report.

By resorting to an inquiry on an ad hoc basis, it means that each and every time some sort of mistake is committed by the Office of the Attorney General – and, unfortunat­ely, these appear to be on the increase lately – government will have to appoint an inquiry for each and every single case. This will prove to be entirely demotivati­ng to the staff at this Office to have to go through successive inquiries. In the long run this will neither be cost effective, nor be conducive to raise morale or to undercover­ing the real problems.

What needs to be establishe­d, therefore, is a more holistic and all-embracing inquiry that interrogat­es the systemic aspect of the Attorney General’s Office that would of course include individual cases. Whilst the ongoing inquiry is investigat­ing more the function of the Office of the Attorney General in relation to one single case, it will fail to dig deeper in order to identify the real problems at that Office.

In the instant case, it can identify (a) that the Attorney General or one of her employees made a mistake; (b) whether the mistake was genuine, attributab­le to a typographi­cal mistake (where the wrong provision of the Criminal Code was typed in the appropriat­e charge sheet communicat­ed to the court on the basis of which the latter had to decide the case); (c) whether it could have been a case of simple lack of due knowledge of the difference between one provision of the Criminal Code or another; or (d) whether it could have been a deliberate attempt to ensure that the defendants are totally exculpated according to law.

But what about other mistakes committed by the Office of the Attorney General? Will the justice minister retain in his employ a retired Chief Justice to investigat­e each and every allegation of a mistake that the Office of the Attorney General has been or will be imputed with from now till the end of the legislatur­e?

Clearly, the currently board of inquiry has too narrow terms of reference. It might, perhaps, solve one query but in the long run does not address the root cause: it simply misses the forest for the trees and ends up in loss of time, energy, money, and effort that could have been well spent better had the government had more foresight and thought a little bit outside of the box.

I am not after witch hunts but only after establishi­ng the truth in the interests of the proper administra­tion of justice so as to ensure that we have a proper and fully functionin­g office of the Attorney General. That is what every Maltese of good will should want. Concretely, this means that the Board of Inquiry’s membership should be extended to three members, the two new retired judiciary should be specialist­s in Criminal Law and Procedure, and the inquiry’s terms of reference widened to encompass the entire workings of the Office of the Attorney General, not one isolated case, here and there. It would only be at a subsequent stage that one is to decide upon removal or disciplina­ry proceeding­s of the person/s involved, if any.

Now is the time for government to take the bull by the horns; otherwise, maladminis­tration at the Attorney General’s Office will continue to haunt government till the end (if not beyond as well) of the legislatur­e.

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