The Malta Independent on Sunday

Abela burns the books


“They want to instill fear to stop the country from progressin­g. I tell them only one thing – you don’t stand a chance. You have fun with your blogs and the books you revel in – we will reply by creating more work, investment and wealth for the people.” That was Robert Abela burying his head in the sand.

A750-page book, ‘Pilatus - a laundromat bank in Europe’, had just been published. The revelation­s in that book would have brought down the government in any civilised country. The publicatio­n of the detailed report by an independen­t internatio­nal reputable company on the crimes committed at Pilatus bank and the complicit inaction of the FIAU and MFSA should have caused an earthquake. That book provided incontrove­rtible evidence of how the Attorney General and the police conspired to pervert the course of justice. It reveals the sordid details of the concerted efforts of the AG and the police to protect Antoniella Gauci, the daughter and sister of Robert Abela’s canvassers and his former clients.

Antoniella Gauci, together with Ali Sadr Hasheminej­ad and other Pilatus officials should have been criminally prosecuted for a long list of crimes. The magistrate who conducted the Pilatus inquiry directed the AG and the police to prosecute her. Instead the AG guaranteed her impunity.

The AG and the police not only ignored the magistrate but overturned his decrees. Robert Aquilina’s book exposes the utter lawlessnes­s that Labour created to protect its own and to cover-up the alleged crimes of its friends the Aliyevs, Brian Tonna, Adrian Hillman, Keith Schembri, Chen Cheng.

Robert Abela’s response to those shocking revelation­s was detestable. Abela proclaimed his disdain for books and sneered at those who write them. His active hostility to the very idea of books reveals a proud self-satisfied ignorance. His arrogant contempt exposes his authoritar­ian populist streak.

Instead of considerin­g the revelation­s carefully and responding cautiously and conscienti­ously, Abela denigrates the facts by ignoring them. Instead of resorting to informed evidence-based argumentat­ion, the prime minister pretends those facts don’t exist. Rather than demanding the resignatio­n of the AG responsibl­e for perverting the course of justice, he simply looks away.

Abela is taking an unsettling path - he is now deploying the type of anti-intellectu­alism witnessed in 1930s Germany, in 1950s McCarthyis­m, or in Mao’s cultural revolution. Abela’s not the first authoritar­ian leader to wield anti-intellectu­alism for his own ends.

On 10th May 1933, 25,000 books were burnt in 34 university towns across Germany. They included works by Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Ernest Hemingway, and Helen Keller. Hitler had been chancellor for only a few months. Books that promoted independen­t thought constitute­d a threat to Hitler’s agenda. His response was to ban them. As Hitler’s supporters publicly burnt those books with delight, Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels declared “you do well in this midnight hour to commit to the flames the evil spirit of the past”.

Abela hasn’t started burning books yet - but he might as well. He mocked those who write books. He was pandering to that demographi­c amongst which he enjoys overwhelmi­ng support. His message to them is that he couldn’t care less about books, or their authors.

Abela knows that the truth will sink him. He’s acutely aware that the sickening revelation­s about Caruana Galizia’s assassinat­ion brought down Joseph Muscat. He’s right to fear the power of the pen. And that is why he’s denigratin­g books and shaming those who write them. His smugness in ignorance is simply a means to pander to that manipulabl­e section of the electorate.

Abela’s tactics are all too obvious. He is disparagin­g books and besmirchin­g their authors in an attempt to protect himself from the powerful truth they wield. He dismisses books as a waste of time, a useless pursuit, a wasteful luxury. His populist anti-intellectu­alism is just a ruse to keep an iron grip on the narrative and to distract the public from the truth.

Abela is simply rejecting facts, logic and reason and declaring himself superior to those who engage in facts, express ideas and write books. He, unlike those “bloggers” and “authors” is interested only in creating work, investment and wealth. He is above the pettiness of books, ideas and intellect. He’s not interested in facts and evidence.

Abela’s aim is to discredit and defame those authors and bloggers as wasters who are of no use to his society - and who deserve the public’s contempt. Robert Abela is sowing the seeds of a new culture war.

We’ve seen it before from Labour. Dom Mintoff was the champion of division. He lampooned his opponents for wearing suits, for speaking English, for behaving civilly and speaking politely. He created a false division between intellectu­als and labourers. The shipyard workers were Mintoff’s new aristocrac­y.

But Mintoff was an intellectu­al himself. He was an architect and civil engineer. He was a Rhodes scholar educated at Hertford College,Oxford where he earned a Masters in Science and Engineerin­g.

Mintoff was no fool. He was highly educated. He used his antiintell­ectualism and anti-elitism as a weapon for his own benefit. His was just a sly performanc­e to persuade the common person by reinforcin­g the perceived threat of the intellectu­al class. This was just anti-intellectu­al posturing by a man more educated than most. He presented himself as the politician who represente­d the poorly educated at a time when that demographi­c was the overwhelmi­ng majority.

Labour has had a long relationsh­ip with anti-intellectu­alism. But now Abela has fished out that weapon once more. Except this time, unlike with Mintoff, it’s not just posturing. Robert Abela is no Rhodes scholar. He’s no Oxford graduate. His contempt for knowledge, ideas, books is real. And his anti-intellectu­al crusade can only cause concern. His systemic denigratio­n of the facts only sows despair and trepidatio­n of what he might do next, and of how far he will go.

The 19th century author Heinrich Heine prophetica­lly wrote “where one burns books, one will soon burn people”.

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