The Malta Independent on Sunday

Air Malta: victim of clientelis­m

On Tuesday the Opposition in Parliament requested an urgent debate on the future of Air Malta. The Speaker rightly refused the request.

- CARMEL CACOPARDO Carmel Cacopardo is Chairperso­n of ADPD

What sense does it make to have such a public debate when sensitive negotiatio­ns are still ongoing, even though it is known that they are approachin­g the end?

The Opposition should, in my view, have insisted to be kept in the loop, to be kept informed continuous­ly of developmen­ts, as to the current state of play of the negotiatio­ns. This should have been done in the public interest and on the basis of confidenti­ality. Unfortunat­ely, the Opposition prefers theatrics!

The PN has much to offer on the matter, in view of the fact that together with Labour, it has, over the years, contribute­d substantia­lly to the current state of Air Malta, ensuring its dependency on clientelis­m. Both PN and Labour shoulder responsibi­lity for the current state of affairs.

Air Malta’s current state is a textbook case of the impacts of clientelis­m on a state enterprise which is, or rather, has been managed on the basis of political favouritis­m throughout the years. The administra­tion of Air Malta is also a reflection of the manner in which the country is managed. Clientelis­m has ruined Air Malta just as it is ruining the whole country.

Over the years Air Malta engaged employees much more than it required. Most administra­tive decisions were taken by holders of political office who at times even lacked good faith. Don’t you remember, for example, the declaratio­ns by disgraced Minister Konrad Mizzi in 2019 that Air Malta had at last turned a profit, when it was pretty obvious to one and all that he was lying through his teeth? Mizzi was Minister for Tourism as well as in charge of the restructur­ing of Air Malta.

A former Air Malta Director, recently deceased, had described Air Malta as the politician­s’ milch cow in an article he penned some years ago. The number of Air Malta employees spiralled out of control in the run-up to most general elections.

The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Various restructur­ing exercises and early retirement schemes have been implemente­d at considerab­le expense, only for Air Malta to remain in considerab­le difficulti­es notwithsta­nding the massive state aid utilised in the process. This is the basic reason as to why the European Commission is reluctant to approve further use of state aid for Air Malta.

The advent of low-cost flights over the years made matters more difficult for Air Malta. Low-cost fares are dependent on ensuring the minimisati­on of costs throughout the airline’s operations. As a result of being overloaded with excess labour, accumulate­d as electoral favours, Air Malta could never compete with low-cost airlines!

The four-year strategy announced by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana on the eve of the 2022 general election was too little, too late. At that point Air Malta was already on its knees.

Clientelis­m buttressed by state aid continuous­ly made matters worse for Air Malta. The moment that we joined the EU it was only a matter of time as to when we had to face the music.

There was ample time, almost twenty years, to rectify matters. One Board of Directors after the other ignored the writing on the wall until it was too late. Twenty wasted years spanning PN and Labour led government­s!

Air Malta never lacked strategies. It just lacked one crucial target: the political will to be cut loose from political control. Clientelis­m was its lifeblood for so long. It was also its death certificat­e.

It is now useless to argue further as it is clear that Air Malta will soon be no more.

Just send a thank you note to Castille Place: addressed to the Cabinet, for the attention of past and present members.

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