The Malta Independent on Sunday

Avocados and hormones: Exploring the link

- PROF. RENALD BLUNDELL ANDREA CUSHIERI Prof. Renald Blundell is a biochemist and biotechnol­ogist with a special interest in Natural and Alternativ­e medicine. He is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Malta Andrea Cuschieri is

The avocado is a fruit that has become increasing­ly popular in recent years. It is often touted as a superfood, praised for its high nutritiona­l value as it is a rich source of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, making it a popular addition to many diets. Besides its nutritiona­l value, recent studies have shown that avocados have a positive effect on hormone regulation in the human body. In this article, we will explore the link between avocados and hormones, and what the science says about their effects on the body.

Hormones are chemical messengers that are produced in the endocrine glands and travel largely through the bloodstrea­m to different parts of the body. Hormones act to regulate various bodily functions, such as metabolism, growth and developmen­t and reproducti­on. They are produced by various glands in the body, including the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands, and can be influenced by various factors, such as diet. Hormones are involved in a complex system of feedback mechanisms that work together to maintain balance in the body and any disruption to this balance can lead to a variety of health problems, including infertilit­y, weight gain and mood disorders. Therefore, maintainin­g healthy hormone levels is crucial for overall well-being.

Several studies have suggested that avocados may have a positive impact on hormone regulation in the human body. One study investigat­ed the impact of avocado consumptio­n on hormone levels in healthy overweight and obese men and women. The study found that consuming one avocado per day for six weeks resulted in a significan­t decrease in cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. The study also found that consuming avocados resulted in an increase in adiponecti­n levels, a hormone that helps regulate glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivit­y.

In addition, healthy fats present within avocadoes further contribute to the regulation of hormones involved in controllin­g appetite. Avocados are particular­ly rich in monounsatu­rated fats, which have been found to help regulate the production of hormones in the body. A diet high in monounsatu­rated fats, such as those found in avocados, can increase the production of hormones that promote feelings of fullness and satiety, while reducing the production of hormones that stimulate appetite.

Avocados are also a good source of fibre, which have been shown to help regulate hormone levels in the body. Fibre helps to slow the absorption of carbohydra­tes in the digestive system, which in turn can help regulate insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone that plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels and imbalances in insulin levels can lead to health problems such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Fibre may also have a positive impact on the gut microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for optimal hormone function as it is responsibl­e for the production and metabolism of certain hormones.

Apart from regulating hormones which have a major role in our eating habits, avocados may also regulate reproducti­ve hormones. Postmenopa­usal women who consumed avocados had higher levels of estrogen than those who did not consume the fruit. Estrogen is an important hormone in women that is responsibl­e for various functions, including maintainin­g bone density and regulating the menstrual cycle.

Avocados were also noted to affect testostero­ne levels. Testostero­ne is a male sex hormone that is also present in females in smaller amounts. It plays an important role in the developmen­t of male sex organs, as well as in the developmen­t of muscle mass, bone density and body hair. Research has suggested that avocados may help to increase testostero­ne levels in the body. Men who consumed a diet high in monounsatu­rated fats, such as those found in avocados, had higher testostero­ne levels than those who consumed a diet low in these fats. Moreover, apart from helping to lower cholestero­l levels in the body, plant sterols present within avocados may further regulate testostero­ne levels. Moreover, men who consumed a plant sterol supplement had higher testostero­ne levels in comparison to controls.

It is important to note that while avocados may have a positive effect on hormone regulation, they should be consumed as part of a balanced diet. Eating too much of any one food can lead to an imbalance in nutrient intake and may have negative effects on health. Avocados are high in calories and excessive consumptio­n can lead to weight gain. Therefore, it is recommende­d to consume avocados in moderation, alongside a variety of other healthy foods. Moreover, it is worth noting some of the adverse health effects attributed to improper avocado consumptio­n.

One of the primary health risks associated with avocados is their high-fat content. Although the fat in avocados is mostly healthy monounsatu­rated fat, consuming too much of it can lead to weight gain and related health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Another potential health risk of consuming avocados is the presence of a toxin called persin. Persin is a naturally occurring compound found in avocados that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in animals. While humans can generally tolerate persin, people who are allergic to it, may experience an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to persin can include skin rash, hives and itching. However, persin is only present in the avocado skin, leaves and bark and not in the flesh.

In addition to the potential health risks associated with avocados, they can also interact with certain medication­s. For example, avocados can interact with blood thinners such as Warfarin, increasing the risk of bleeding. Warfarin is a medication used to prevent blood clots and avocados contain vitamin K, which can interfere with its effectiven­ess.

Avocados can also interact with drugs used to treat high cholestero­l levels. Statins, a class of drugs used to lower cholestero­l levels, can interact with grapefruit and other citrus fruits, including avocados. As a result, taking statins with avocados may increase the risk of side effects, including muscle pain and weakness.

Avocados are a nutritious and delicious addition to any diet and their potential benefits for hormonal health add another reason to enjoy this versatile fruit. While the potential relationsh­ip between avocados and hormones is intriguing, more research is needed to fully understand the link between avocados and hormones. Existing studies suggest that the consumptio­n of avocados can have a positive effect on hormone regulation in the human body. The high content of monounsatu­rated fats, vitamin E, and other nutrients found in avocados can help regulate estrogen and testostero­ne levels, improve thyroid function and reduce the risk of developing certain diseases. Additional­ly, it is important to consume avocados in moderation to reap their health benefits as they are a calorie-dense food and excessive consumptio­n can lead to weight gain and have potential risks, especially for people with specific health conditions or those taking certain medication­s. As with any food or medication, it is essential to consult a healthcare profession­al before consuming avocados, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication­s.

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