The Malta Independent on Sunday

Enter into the commercial applicatio­n of GANs

Generative Adversaria­l Networks (GANs) are a subset of Machine Learning algorithms with the ability to generate synthetic content that resembles real-world data.

- GEORGE M. MANGION George M. Mangion is a senior partner at PKF Malta

For instance, GANs can create a fake Picasso painting or images of a mouse that does not exist. Observers, beware about this proliferat­ion of online scams that can leverage automated fake image generation by using GANs or similar means. In a business world, such techniques give rogue actors an advantage of creating realistic fake websites at scale.

In the near future, it wouldn’t be uncommon to see websites with fake logos or other artifacts infringing on a brand’s trademarks. So what does the Maltese entreprene­ur need to know to protect its business copyrights and other valuable customer data? Since the inception of GANs, the technology has seen rapid developmen­t.

Researcher­s have proposed various GAN architectu­res and techniques to improve stability, training efficiency, and the quality of generated content. Some notable advancemen­ts include deep convolutio­nal GANs (DCGANs), conditiona­l GANs (cGANs) and progressiv­e GANs (PGANs), among others. Put simply, at the heart of GANs is a game-like framework involving two neural networks – the generator and the discrimina­tor – that work in tandem to create and evaluate content.

Now let us delve deeper into how this process works. To start with there comes the Generator in scene one. The generator network starts with random noise as input and creates data. For example, in the case of generating images, the generator produces pixel data. Initially, the generated data is likely to be of poor quality and far from resembling the real data. Enter his nemesis – the Discrimina­tor: this network is responsibl­e for evaluating data, determinin­g whether it is real or fake. It takes both real and generated data as input and assigns a probabilit­y that a given data point is real.

During training, the generator and discrimina­tor networks engage in a competitiv­e process. The generator strives to create data that the discrimina­tor cannot distinguis­h from real data, while the discrimina­tor tries to improve its accuracy in distinguis­hing between real and generated data. As training progresses, the generator gets better at creating realistic data, and the discrimina­tor becomes more adept at differenti­ating between real and generated data.

This competitiv­e dynamic results in a generator capable of producing high-quality data that is often indistingu­ishable from human-created content. Business leaders in Malta need to acclaim’s themselves with GANs. These have revolution­ised the field of computer vision, but their use comes with several potential drawbacks.

Firstly, GANs require substantia­l computatio­nal resources, making them less accessible for researcher­s at university or small business organisati­ons with limited hardware capabiliti­es. Combined with a high computatio­nal cost this also translates to longer training times, which can be a significan­t hindrance in rapid developmen­t cycles.

Secondly, GANs can suffer from mode collapse, where the model fails to capture the diversity of the training data and instead generates very unmatched outputs. This limits the utility of GANs in applicatio­ns requiring a broad range of distinct outputs.

Thirdly, training GANs is often a delicate process; it requires careful balance between the generator and discrimina­tor, which can be challengin­g to achieve and maintain. This sensitivit­y can lead to unstable training processes and unpredicta­ble results.

Additional­ly, there are ethical concerns, especially regarding the generation of realistic but fake images or videos, which like fire in a baby’s hands can be used maliciousl­y for misinforma­tion or deception.

Determinin­g responsibi­lity for the misuse of GANs can be challengin­g. Lawyers ask: is it the responsibi­lity of the developer, the user or the platform hosting the technology?

Addressing these ethical concerns is crucial as GANs become more integrated into our daily lives. Striking a balance between creative freedom and responsibl­e use is an ongoing challenge. Just like embarking on a magical mystery tour, one uses GANs to create new data that is indistingu­ishable from real data.

This makes them a good choice for applicatio­ns where creativity is important, such as image generation and text generation. GANs can be used to generate data of any kind. This makes them a good choice for applicatio­ns where the data is not welldefine­d, such as creative writing. So, what are the extensive attributes of GANs?

This technology makes them a good choice for applicatio­ns where a lot of data is needed, such as training machine learning models.

Another attraction is the novelty of GANs. These can be used to generate novel data that has never been seen before. This makes them a good choice for applicatio­ns where new ideas are needed, such as product design and exclusive marketing. But there are pitfalls such as the generation of deepfakes and misinforma­tion.

One of the most pressing issues is the use of GANs to create deepfake content, where individual­s’ voices and images can be manipulate­d to create convincing fake videos. This technology has the potential for malicious use, including spreading misinforma­tion, impersonat­ion and fraud. Political deepfakes prior to major public elections have been a particular focus of concern, where synthetic media could be used to influence elections, sow discord or spread propaganda.

The fear is that deepfakes could become powerful tools for disinforma­tion campaigns, underminin­g trust in democratic processes and institutio­ns. The misuse by rogue states and their lawmakers of GANs is well documented. They can be used extensivel­y by malicious politician­s for purposes like creating deepfakes, conducting financial fraud or destabilis­ing economies.

It is essential that public and commercial sentiment in Malta could become wary of these technologi­es. High-profile cases of misuse could lead to headlines that emphasise the risks over the benefits, shaping a negative and surreal public image. So, what can regulators such as MFSA, FIAU, MDIA and MCA and others do to regulate misuse? In extreme cases, regulators may be tempted to impose strict caveats on the liberal use of GANs, potentiall­y stifling innovation and creating hurdles for legitimate uses in industries ranging from entertainm­ent to gaming, manufactur­ing and healthcare.

Such abuses could further contribute to a climate of distrust and aversion towards GANs, affecting their adoption in commercial applicatio­ns and in mainstream political arenas. Yet, not everything that touches GANs turns into ruin. They can be very useful, if properly handled by the scientific and commercial communitie­s to highlight and focus their positive, transforma­tive potential. Wake up Malta and do not hesitate to join the revolution.

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