The Sunday Times of Malta

Chinese aircraft carrier passes through Taiwan Strait


Three Chinese ships, including the Shandong aircraft carrier, sailed through the Taiwan Strait yesterday, which an expert said was an “unusual” display of Beijing’s military might during a prolonged period of tensions.

China claims self-ruled democratic Taiwan as its territory, and has vowed to take it one day – by force if necessary.

Since Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen – who rejects that the island is part of China – was elected in 2016, Beijing has ramped up air and sea incursions around the island.

The presence of Chinese warships is constantly monitored and announced neardaily by Taipei, but an aircraft carrier passing through the 180-kilometre-wide Taiwan Strait has not been seen since March 2022.

“A (People’s Liberation Army Navy) flotilla of three ships, led by the Shangdong aircraft carrier, passed through the Taiwan Strait around noon today,” Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence said in a statement, referring to China’s navy. The flotilla went “to the west of the median line, heading northward”, it added, referring to the unofficial border in the middle of the strait which separates the island from continenta­l Asia.

Yesterday’s latest show of force from Beijing comes more than a month after China launched aerial and naval exercises around the island.

During the April war games, Beijing simulated targeted strikes on Taiwan and encircleme­nt of the island, including “sealing” it off, and state media reported dozens of planes had practised an “aerial blockade”.

The Shandong also participat­ed in those exercises, with J15 fighter jets deployed from it – though the vessel was not in the Strait, but southeast of Taiwan.

Taiwan’s armed forces said yesterday they deployed air patrol aircraft, navy vessels and land-based missile systems in response to the sail-through.

“We are closely monitoring their movements and will respond accordingl­y,” the defence ministry said on Twitter.

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