The Sunday Times of Malta

‘come back to us’: families of war hostages held by hamas tell their stories

While in Malta for a conference on anti-semitism and to meet high-ranking officials, the families of those held hostage by Hamas in Gaza spoke to James Cummings about their heart-wrenching experience­s.


‘he could have run, but Instead..’

Bar Kupershtei­n was also at the Nova music festival when Hamas struck, but not as a partygoer.

The 21-year-old had been working as a security guard for the festival, and his aunt, Mazi Kupershtei­n, described how his heroic actions saved dozens of lives that fateful day.

“Bar is a brave young man. He could have run, but he chose to rescue as many people as he could,” she said.

Bar’s family found out he had been kidnapped from a Hamas video shared on Telegram and later posted to Instagram: “He was tied up but still raising his head. He called his name... I think he

‘the heavens fell’

The footage of a young woman crying for help, her arms outstretch­ed towards her boyfriend as she was carried away on the back of a motorbike by Hamas terrorists horrified the world.

Noa Argamani, then 25, had been partying with her boyfriend Avinatan Orr at the Nova music festival when it was invaded by Hamas fighters in a rampage that left more than 360 dead and around 40 kidnapped, including the young couple.

Describing the moment they saw Noa on the back of the knew that could be his sign of life.”

In the weeks that followed, the family was visited by those he cared for during the horrifying attack. Mazi described their stories as “incredible” and said they were a source of strength.

Does she wish Bar had used his last hours of freedom to save himself?

“It’s a real conflict because we always wish our loved ones would save themselves. But I know if Bar did that, he would not be Bar because he is a brave young man.”

Mazi said Bar’s disabled father is distraught at his son’s kidnapping. “His father is in a wheelchair and cannot speak but can understand everything. But he is always crying and shouting for Bar.” last

motorbike, the young woman’s aunt, Yaffa Ohad, said the family was left in a state of shock.

“One of Noa’s friends knew about the video already and showed it to her father... The heavens fell on our heads.”

Describing Noa, now 26, as an intelligen­t young woman who loves music, dancing and travelling, Yaffa said that while she is ambitious and eager to “realise her dreams”, she is also generous and devoted to helping others.

“She used to volunteer in many organisati­ons, especially with children who needed help,” she said, explaining Noa had assisted children with learning difficulti­es and delivered food to those in need.

Noa’s mother Liora was born in China, moving to Israel more than 30 years ago, where she “fell in love” with the country she always believed to be the “safest place to raise a child”.

Liora was diagnosed with terminal cancer around a year-anda-half ago and is now desperate to see her daughter before she loses her battle with the disease.

“In Chinese culture, you never cry, but one week ago I was with Liora, and she started crying,” said Yaffa. “She has difficulty speaking but she said, ‘I’ve been waiting for Noa for too long now’.”

 ?? ?? Mazi Kupershtei­n described her nephew’s heroic actions working as a security guard at the Nova music festival.
Mazi Kupershtei­n described her nephew’s heroic actions working as a security guard at the Nova music festival.
 ?? ?? Yehuda Cohen found out his son had been captured by Hamas in a video uploaded to YouTube. Nimrod’s brother Yotam said he was proud his brother had served his country as a soldier.
Yehuda Cohen found out his son had been captured by Hamas in a video uploaded to YouTube. Nimrod’s brother Yotam said he was proud his brother had served his country as a soldier.
 ?? ?? Rita Lifshitz said the attacks of October 7 would not have shaken her father-inlaw Oded’s faith in peace.
Rita Lifshitz said the attacks of October 7 would not have shaken her father-inlaw Oded’s faith in peace.
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