Times of Malta

Invisible diversity: a life unveiled

On World Autism Awareness Day, a sufferer shares his story, highlighti­ng the critical importance of early detection and support for individual­s with autism


My life story is not just mine; it’s a reflection of what countless individual­s experience when left undiagnose­d with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for years. For 36 long years, my reality was a puzzle, with pieces scattered and missing, until my diagnosis provided a frame. But, even now, the picture remains incomplete as testing continues to uncover the depth of my neurodiver­sity.

At the tender age of three, my mother’s intuition sensed my unique way of interactin­g with the world. Yet, when she sought guidance, she was dismissed, labelled as overreacti­ve for not letting me “just be a child”. This was my first encounter with misunderst­anding – a theme that would persist throughout my life.

Bullying wasn’t just a rite of passage for me; it was a daily trial, exacerbate­d by the indifferen­ce of teachers who saw my distress but urged silence. Alone during breaks, I was a square peg being forced into the round hole of societal norms. Despite being recognised for my intellect, my struggles were misconstru­ed as laziness.

My teenage years were marked by labels: “troubled”, “monster”.

These weren’t badges I wore but were thrust upon me by those who mistook my autistic meltdowns for mere bad behaviour. The lack of understand­ing wasn’t just external; I, too, was lost, trying to navigate a world that seemed rigged against me.

To the observer, I might seem sociable, yet, the nuances of social interactio­ns often elude me, leaving behind a trail of anxiety and confusion. My empathy and kindness, while strengths, became vulnerabil­ities, exploited by those who couldn’t see the depth of my genuine intentions.

After completing my O levels, the prospect of continuing in an educationa­l system that failed me and seemed alien to me was unbearable.

The workplace brought its own set of challenges: underestim­ation and conflict, often rooted in misconcept­ions about my abilities and potential.

Burnout and overwhelm frequently besieged me during periods of intense and demanding work, as I found myself unable to disengage from my hyper-focused state, driven by a relentless pursuit of precision in my work. Navigating the complexiti­es of life proved to be an equally daunting challenge. Frequently, I found myself wrestling with unexpected surges of anxiety and restlessne­ss, harbouring an overpoweri­ng urge to seek refuge in the haven of my home.

In my quest for romantic relationsh­ips,

heartbreak became a familiar companion, with each relationsh­ip revealing constant misunderst­andings. Knowingly or unknowingl­y, my kindness and empathy were taken advantage of by my partners, causing emotional turmoil. This pattern left me bewildered, amplifying my isolation and complicati­ng the search for genuine companions­hip.

The journey to understand­ing began with the diagnosis of anxiety and depression, later compounded by OCPD and trauma. But it was the personal epiphany, sparked by social media, that led me to suspect and then confirm ADHD and, eventually, autism. And the same psychiatri­st who tried to dismiss my ADHD and autism concerns later confirmed he had never seen a client with such horrendous full-on ADHD.

It later transpired that some of my systems were actually due to my autism. This later explained why I was also experienci­ng such conflictin­g symptoms such as the need for a routine but also the need for novelty and, at times, breaking routine to remain motivated. Or feeling chronicall­y bored because you want to engage with a hobby but you are too overwhelme­d and have no energy to do so.

Each diagnosis added a piece to the puzzle but also highlighte­d years of struggle and misunderst­anding. Intertwine­d in this puzzle also lies dyslexia and dyscalculi­a – each condition

Each diagnosis added a piece to the puzzle but also highlighte­d years of struggle and misunderst­anding. Intertwine­d in this puzzle also lies dyslexia and dyscalculi­a – each condition layering complexity upon my daily experience­s

layering complexity upon my daily experience­s.

Today, my narrative is taking a new turn with MISCO, where my role as a neurodiver­sity consultant and inclusion specialist allows me to champion the potential within neurodiver­gent individual­s. It’s not just a job; it’s a mission to redefine how society perceives and interacts with the neurodiver­gent community.

My story underscore­s the critical importance of early detection and support for individual­s with autism. It’s a plea to parents, educators and society to remain vigilant and understand­ing, to change futures through early interventi­on.

In possessing these unique traits, I find the strength to embrace life’s challenges and advocate for a world that recognises and values neurodiver­gent individual­s. My story is one of many but, together, we can turn individual narratives into a movement that transforms understand­ing, acceptance and support for the neurodiver­gent community.

On World Autism Awareness Day, let this story serve as a reminder of the journeys many are still navigating, often in silence.

It’s a call to action: to listen, learn and lend support, ensuring that the neurodiver­gent voices are heard, understood and celebrated.

 ?? PHOTOS: SHUTTERSTO­CK.COM ?? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurologic­al and developmen­tal disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicat­e, learn and behave.
PHOTOS: SHUTTERSTO­CK.COM Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurologic­al and developmen­tal disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicat­e, learn and behave.
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? People of all genders, races, ethnicitie­s and economic background­s can be diagnosed with ASD.
People of all genders, races, ethnicitie­s and economic background­s can be diagnosed with ASD.

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