Times of Malta

Gozo school marks Day of European Authors


The Day of European Authors was celebrated in various institutio­ns throughout Europe, including the Gozo College Secondary School, on March 25.

In line with suggested practice, Gozitan writer Joe Camilleri held a reading session with Form 5 students.

He read and recited short stories in Maltese from his latest collection­s of works, entitled LEku tal-Ħabbata and Faċċati. Both literary anthologie­s, published by the Maltese publishing house Horizons, present contempora­ry themes and settings, which challenge readers to think and reflect

The author encouraged students to nurture a love for books and to find pleasure in reading so as to enhance their language skills and be appreciati­ve of creative literary works.

“It is most important that one reads with an inquisitiv­e and analythica­l mind,” he said. After every reading, the author hinted at thought-provoking patterns throughout the fictitious stories, and led the students to be aware of stylistic techniques, of character developmen­t and to try to discover hidden messages.

The Day of European Authors celebratio­n is an initiative by the European Commission, supported by the Creative Europe Programme. The visit of European writers to schools is co-organised by the European Commission and the European Writers’ Council and the Akkademja tal-Malti.

Besides celebratin­g European literature, this annual event encourages a culture of reading, inspires younger generation­s to explore the richness of European literature and promotes linguistic diversity in Europe.

Camilleri had a word of gratitude and appreciati­on for the European Writers’ Council and the Akkademja tal-Malti for nominating him on this tour of schools.

He extended his thanks to the Gozo College Secondary School for their cordial welcoming, especially to the head of school, Theresa Camilleri, and her staff. Camilleri is a former teacher and former head of department at this educationa­l institutio­n.

 ?? PHOTO: CHARLES SPITERI ?? Gozitan author Joe Camilleri addressing Form 5 students attending Victoria secondary school marking Day of European Authors.
PHOTO: CHARLES SPITERI Gozitan author Joe Camilleri addressing Form 5 students attending Victoria secondary school marking Day of European Authors.

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