Times of Malta

Hoteliers pay tribute to Air Malta, welcome KM Malta Airlines


The Malta Hotels and Restaurant­s Associatio­n yesterday paid homage to Air Malta’s “profound impact” on Malta’s tourism industry and the broader economy.

In a statement, the MHRA said that, since its inception, Air Malta had been a cornerston­e of economic growth and social progress, facilitati­ng vital connectivi­ty for the island nation.

President Tony Zahra said the MHRA had been privileged to witness Air Malta’s pivotal role in shaping Malta’s economic and social landscape and it saddened the associatio­n that the airline was at times exploited for short-term gain, “ultimately leading to its unfortunat­e closure”.

Zahra commended all those involved in the airline’s “seamless” transition to KM Malta Airlines.

“The birth of KM Malta Airlines marks a new chapter in Malta’s aviation history... MHRA extends its gratitude to everyone involved for navigating the complex transition process with commendabl­e profession­alism.”

Zahra emphasised the MHRA’s “steadfast support” for Malta’s new national carrier.

“As we embrace the future with KM Malta Airlines, MHRA reaffirms its commitment to safeguardi­ng our national airline,” he said.

“While other airlines play a vital role in our tourism sector, the national airline

remains our lifeline, ensuring connectivi­ty and resilience in the face of economic uncertaint­ies and challenges, as

exemplifie­d during the COVID19 pandemic.”

MHRA looks forward to collaborat­ing closely with KM

Malta Airlines and stakeholde­rs to ensure its continued success and contributi­on to Malta’s prosperity, Zahra said.

 ?? ?? The MHRA expressed its “steadfast support” for Malta’s new national carrier.
The MHRA expressed its “steadfast support” for Malta’s new national carrier.

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