Times of Malta

‘Vote PN if you truly love Malta’ – Grech


If the people truly love Malta they should vote for the Nationalis­t Party in the June 8 European Parliament and local council elections, Bernard Grech said yesterday.

The PN leader was speaking in Sliema and quoted a Times of Malta opinion piece written by the former Labour Party councillor and activist Desmond Zammit Marmarà, titled “Do Malta a favour, do not vote Labour”. In the piece, Marmarà wrote: “If you love your political party and, above all, your country, and wish for a better future, then you cannot by any stretch of the imaginatio­n vote Labour.”

With weeks away from elections, Grech said he wanted to add to Marmarà’s opinion.

“If you truly love this country, vote for the Nationalis­t Party,” he said.

“In this historic moment for our country, do not leave your fate and that of your family in the hands of those who betrayed you and this country.”

Grech pointed out that on May 28, former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his former chief of staff Keith Schembri and former Minister Konrad Mizzi will appear in court.

They and several others stand accused of bribery, trading in influence, money laundering and various other crimes in connection with the hospitals privatisat­ion deal.

The following day, May 29, former deputy prime minister Chris Fearne and Central Bank governor Edward Scicluna, who face fraud charges related to the same deal, will also appear in court.

He said Abela was continuing to defend this “corrupt group” and to attack the judiciary, journalist­s and anyone who did not agree with him.

He said the front page of The Sunday Times of Malta once again showed how the government continued to work against the people.

The report says a €1 million “political support fund” created by Steward Health Care was suspected to have been set up to pass on bribes to Muscat, Schembri and Mizzi.

“You must understand. Do you know who the biggest victim is from all this? It is you and the whole country,” Grech said.

“That is why on June 8, you will decide who should represent Malta in the European Parliament. It is those people who should make you proud to be Maltese, and not embarrass you.”

Turning to the pre-election cheques families have begun to receive, Grech said the government could not buy people through such incentives.

“When you receive this cheque, with half a smile, I know what you will be thinking,” Grech said.

“You will say, ‘thank you Prime Minister’ but I am not bought like those around you, and I will vote how I like!’’.

Grech also slammed the planned reality TV show that will star the Labour Party MEP candidates.

“I do not know whether to laugh or cry. People do not want to watch a reality show but they want politician­s who are serious about the reality of life.”

He told voters: “Remember when you are in that polling booth, for those few seconds, power will be in your hands, and you have the power to vote for no more fraud, no more corruption and no more incompeten­ce.”

“Vote for the PN candidates you believe in. The Nationalis­t Party is the only alternativ­e. Any other vote is for Abela, and that is a lost vote.”

 ?? ?? PN leader Bernard Grech in Sliema yesterday. PHOTO: PN
PN leader Bernard Grech in Sliema yesterday. PHOTO: PN

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