The UB Post

Civil aviation authoritie­s of Mongolia and China sign pact to increase air routes


The Civil Aviation Authority headed by Chairman L.Byambasure­n signed a memorandum of understand­ing with the delegation of the Civil Aviation Administra­tion of China headed by Deputy Administra­tor Wang Zhiqing to increase air routes between the two countries.

The memorandum also includes agreements of technical assistance and an overall strengthen­ing of cooperatio­n and ties between the two aviation authoritie­s.

“I first began in this sector as a baggage handler. When I was working in an internatio­nal airport, the airline that caused the least problems was Air China. I maintain my belief that Mongolia and China as inseparabl­e neighbors must work to strengthen their ties in aviation. Thereby, we believe that the agreement reached here today is mutually beneficial for both sides. By increasing the number of air routes, the congestion of air travel will be alleviated. We are also keen on training our workers that will be working at the new airport opening next year in China,” said L.Byambasure­n.

Deputy Administra­tor Wang Zhiqing supported the initiative to train Mongolian aviation workers in China.

“Just as you have worked at every stage in the sector of aviation, I also climbed my way up the ladder. You said you started as a baggage handler; I was a constructi­on worker at first. Therefore, I relate to you when we speak. A close neighbor is better than a distant relative. This meeting today will help open a new chapter in our relations,” remarked Wang Zhiqing.

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