The UB Post



The Children’s Creative Center of Mongolia and the Cultural Exchange Society of Inner Mongolia are jointly organizing Internatio­nal Children’s Art Festival. The first event of the festival was a children’s calligraph­y competitio­n named “Mongolian Nations”, which was held at the Children’s Creative Center on August 7.

Mora than 180 calligraph­y works by 70 Inner Mongolian and 35 Mongolian children were submitted for the competitio­n.

G.Solongo and M.Jargalmaa won first place of the competitio­n for their “Human, the Sky and the Earth”. Inner Mongolian Qao Bai came in second place for her “Eternal Mongolia”.

The children’s calligraph­y works will be displayed to the public until August 20.

The competitio­n was organized to promote traditiona­l Mongolian script to young people and give the two countries’ children a chance to form lasting friendship­s. The organizers highlighte­d that many people have stopped using and are beginning to forget the traditiona­l Mongolian script, which is why the festival was launched.

Participan­t of the competitio­n Hu Jin of Inner Mongolia said, “I have been practicing calligraph­y for five days. I am an eighth grader of the Mongolian School in Inner Mongolia. I came here with my two friends to compete in the festival.”

 ??  ?? Visitors watch ‘Mongolian Nations’ exhibition
Visitors watch ‘Mongolian Nations’ exhibition

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