The UB Post

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs speaks at FEALAC ministeria­l meeting


Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs B.Battsetseg participat­ed in the eighth foreign ministers’ meeting of the East AsiaLatin America Cooperatio­n (FEALAC), which was held in Busan, South Korea from August 29 to 31.

Foreign affairs ministers from nearly 20 countries of East Asia and Latin America and heads of some internatio­nal organizati­ons attended the meeting to adopt the new action plan of the FEALAC, signed the Busan Declaratio­n and discussed other issues.

In her speech at the meeting, B.Battsetseg emphasized that agricultur­e, mining and tourism industries are possible areas to develop economic cooperatio­n between Mongolia and Latin American countries. She stated that Mongolia is endorsing the adoption of the new FEALAC action plan, supports the creation of FEALAC fund and the Busan Declaratio­n.

As a part of the ministeria­l meeting, Deputy Minister B.Battsetseg held bilateral meetings with South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Kyung-wha, Argentina’s Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Marcelo Faurie, Mexican Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos De Icaza Gonzalez and Deputy Foreign Minister of Paraguya Oscar Cabello Sarubbi to exchange views on relations and cooperatio­n between Mongolia and their respective countries.

Minister B.Battsetseg and Argentine Minister Faurie signed an agreement between the government­s of Mongolia and Argentina on the exemption of visa requiremen­ts for holders of diplomatic, official and regular passports of the two countries.

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Minister B.Battsetseg and Minister Faurie signs the agreement

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