The UB Post

Where can you buy The UB POST?


You can buy The UB POST at our office on the 4th floor of the Mongol News Building, next to the Mongolia-Taiwan Center on Juulchin Street, Urt Tsagaan, or you can find it at the following locations: Maternity Hospital No. 1 bus stop

1. newsstand Ulaanbaata­r Hotel west entrance bus

2. stop newsstand Petrovis Building (opposite the Sports

3. Palace) bus stop newsstand

4. Blue Sky Tower bus stop newsstand

5. Sansar Market at the Sansar Tunnel

6. Sansar's Bayantseel bus stop newsstand

7. Bilig Department Store Passage/Mercury trade and grocery

8. center Khunsnii Neg Supermarke­t, northwest of

9. the Ulaanbaata­r Bank building

10. Zoos Goyol Jewelry Store newsstand

11. Mongolia-Taiwan

12. Moscow Trade Center Center newsstand newsstand

13. Urgoo Cinema 1 newsstand

14. Bumugur Trade Center

15. Altjin Trade Center

16. Minii Delguur chain store in Sapporo

17. Tsambagara­v bus stop newsstand

18. Grand Plaza bus stop newsstand

19. Kyokushu Tower east bus stop newsstand Mungun Zaviya Jewelry bus stop

20. newsstand

21. Russian Embassy bus stop newsstand Mongol Bank southwest bus stop

22. newsstand State Department Store west entrance

23. newsstand

24. UB Mart Trade Center

25. State Department Store

26. Orgil Supermarke­t in Zaisan Orgil Supermarke­t at Independen­ce

27. Palace

28. Central Post Office

29. Bee Marche Supermarke­t

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