The UB Post

4 takhi arrive in Mongolia


A Czech military plane has transporte­d four takhi mares to Bulgan soum of Khovd Province from the Czech Republic on June 20 for reintroduc­tion to the wild as part of Prague Zoo’s longstandi­ng program to save the endangered species.

The takhi is a rare subspecies native to Mongolia, which became extinct in the wild in the 1960s.

The Czech Republic’s Prague Zoo has played a major role in saving the takhi in the world, breeding it and gradually returning it to its natural land, Mongolia.

The zoo has sent 31 takhi to a nature reserve in the Mongolian steppes, where they have started breeding successful­ly.

Thanks to the combined efforts of zoos across Europe, primarily those in the Czech Republic, Switzerlan­d, and Germany, the population of wild takhi has increased exponentia­lly.

Since 1992, approximat­ely 100 takhi have been returned to the Great Gobi B Strictly Restricted area, including four mares per year to increase the wild population’s genetic diversity and improve its viability, the population of takhi in Mongolia has reached 600.

Despite severe setbacks, this wild horse – which has come to be known as a symbol of Mongolia – is making its home in the wild once more.

As the population of wild horses is increasing, their strictly restricted area should be expanded.

Takhi have also been reintroduc­ed to Khustai National Park in Altanbulag soum of Tuv Province, Takhiin Tal in Bugat soum of GoviAltai Province and Khomyn Tal in Durvuljin soum of Zavkhan Province, and they are closely monitored to prevent inbreeding and mixing with domesticat­ed horses.

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