The UB Post

Winter preps begin


Minister of Food, Agricultur­e and Light Industry B.Batzorig instructed all state agencies and organizati­ons to boost preparatio­ns for winter and spring on Tuesday.

Accordingl­y, agencies engaged in agricultur­e have started early winter preparatio­ns to complete harvesting on time, take preventive measures for likely disasters and unfavorabl­e weather conditions, and reduce potential risks and loss during the winter of 2018-2019.

The government approved Resolution No.218 on Some Measures to Ensure Agricultur­al Preparatio­ns for Winter and Spring 2018-2019 on July 4. In relation to the resolution, Minister B.Batzorig released guidelines for provincial and district mayors, Ulaanbaata­r Food and Agricultur­e Department, General Veterinary, and herders.

Wintering prep is very important for Mongolia as it determines if livestock can survive the dzud, extreme weather conditions experience­d during the winter. Most underprepa­red herders face significan­t loss after their livestock starve or freeze to death during the winter.

Last winter, 141 of 330 soums and the capital suffered from dzud conditions and temperatur­es approachin­g -50 degrees Celsius continued through February. Thousands of livestock were lost nationwide in the dzud caused by a prolonged period of severe dry weather between mid-May and end of July, which was intensifie­d by extreme high temperatur­es in June and damaged large patches of cropped areas.

The ministry is partnering with all agricultur­al agencies and organizati­ons to minimize risks by intensifyi­ng preparatio­n work for the upcoming winter.

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